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"Guys, I looked everywhere and they're gone." I power walk to the boys and the two girls who all sit on the bleachers side by side. They look at me as I run my hand through my slightly messy hair.

"Who?" Andy questions, a worried look on his face.

"Nancy and Jonathan," I inform them. "I went to go pee and suddenly they just weren't sitting outside the bathrooms anymore. Jonathan's car is gone too."

I didn't really care that they left, but it's the fact that they left me alone with the kids. Did they think I'm a good babysitter or something? Or did they not care because they just wanted to fuck? Either way, this fucking sucks. I didn't want to be here. I never wanted to be here.

"They're probably just sucking face somewhere." Dustin says and leans his hands on his knees.

"No. No way!" Mike shakes his head in disgust at the response from his friend.

"Did they go with the chief?" Dustin questions. Joyce and Hopper went to leave earlier to visit the gate at the laboratory and Jonathan clearly takes after his mom in wanting to be with his crush.

"I don't know. But, there's no way they would've left us with Danielle," Mike says and immediately turns to look at me. "No offence."

"None taken." I shrug at his comment. He's not wrong. I wouldn't even leave myself with... myself.

"No." Eleven says, responding to the question Dustin had asked.

"Do you know where they went?" Mike looks over to the shaven-haired girl, hoping for a response that didn't mean his sister was in trouble.


"Where? Where did they go?"


I scoff at her response.

Oh, what the hell!

"We gotta go after her." Mike says as he abruptly stands up from his seat causing Eleven to pull her head off of his shoulder. He steps down from the bleachers and turns to stand in front of his friends.

"Are you dumb or stupid?" I genuinely ask Mike, there is no way he thinks going after Nancy and Jonathan who went after a freaking monster is a good idea.

"Look, I get you have some weird hatred for my sister and Jonathan, but you have to get over

"Okay, so you're stupid," I roll my eyes at the child's thinking. "It's not about that. It's about trying to not get ourselves killed! I don't know about you, but I'm too young and pretty to die."

"We can't just wait around." Mike exasperates, ignoring my comments. The kids all huff as they abruptly stand up from the bleachers to get closer to Mike.

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