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Chapter: 4.

It was over.

It was all over.

No money. No home.

Loans to pay.

No child, no wife.

Just a few clothes in his bag, an ID in his wallet, and a dollar.

And just like that, all his dreams flew away with the winds. He was left empty and a shadow of himself. He couldn't go back home because then his mother would cuss him out. He deserved it though. He had fought off his family and had stayed hating them for years because they didn't like Maria and never gave their support when he told them about his decision to drop out of school and support her instead.

He was ashamed.

Disgusted with himself.

They were right and he was wrong all along.

He couldn't go back there. He would much rather be dead on the streets than return home. 

What would he say?

What apology could he possibly give to his parents?


The next few months were hell, he did all kinds of jobs and slept in his truck at night. Whenever Allison calls him, he would make sure to receive the call at a good time or return her calls when he knew he would be alone, with less noise around and he would assure her he was alright. It hadn't lasted two months and Allison told him, her mom brought someone named Michael home. She said Maria went on dates with him and got her a babysitter. She also told him Michael had fancy cars, and he was going to get her and her mother their own cars each.

Looks like she found one who would give her the lifestyle she wanted and how quick she was to move on.

The news broke him but he didn't let it show in his voice while he spoke to his daughter, after the call had ended with its usual 'I love yous' he had slumped beside his truck tire and cried, then he went and got himself a bottle of booze and drunk till his heart content. The rest of the months was filled with menial jobs and alcohol abuse until he stumbled into Easton, a coworker who was let go by Mr. Zachary the same day as him. He didn't even recognize the man, he had gone and done good for himself, and after he had explained for what seemed like forever the frustrated man finally remembered him. That night he ate a good healthy dinner and slept on clean sheets in a warm bed and cozy room.

Easton got him a job since he had worked as a marketer for far too long, he was familiar with the basics and so he was quick to get back into sync with his new job. Maria soon learned he had started working and came after him again. Claiming negligence to his child and he began to support his daughter, he didn't earn very much, his past loans had accumulated into huge amounts and he was trying to get that cleared. He loves Allison, she was his whole world, all that was left of what once used to be his life. It doesn't matter if Maria didn't allow him to see her, he cared for her and supported her as best he could. And the little girl made sure she called him twice a week. At least for now, he knows he still has her, maybe when she gets older she might get bored with him.

All seem to have finally taken shape, he went back home, gave that apology to his aging parents, they forgave him but his father had hurt himself when he fell and was lying in the hospital bed, his mother urged that he supported her and with his daughter, the loans, his sick father, Alexander couldn't function a day without depression and the only way he got by was through alcohol. At this point, it may just be said that he is addicted.

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