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Chapter: 16.

He dashed out of the office like the hounds of hell were after him. Rosa screamed for him to stop from inside the office but that would only happen over his dead body.

"Mr. Alex! Wait!"

"Thank you for your time, Rosa, but I quit!" He called back without thinking.

"Quit?" She asked bemused, "but you haven't even been employed yet!" She ran after him. "Please, don't leave, I assure you, you'll get the job you have nothing to worry about."

"I would rather not-" the rest of his words snapped back into his throat when he stumbled into a wall while trying to make a turn for the left.

Grunting annoyingly he pushed and looked up, eyes falling into a sea of blue, the same pair he had just seen in that picture just seconds ago. It wasn't a wall.

It was Micheal and judging from Rosa who had addressed him by Clayton, he knew it could probably be his last name or whatever. Micheal stood a few inches taller, with magnificent dark hair, strong chiseled features, and a wall for a body.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you there, I was only on my way out, sorry for bumping into you like this, my apologies." The words just kept flowing and he was going to palm his mouth shut if he did not stop apologizing.

"Are you Mr. Alexander Rodriguez?" He demanded, his voice gentle and Alexander was nearly tempted to look up at him but he didn't, he moved around the human tower and made to run for dear life. "Maria's ex-husband?" The question froze him and by God, he could feel his eyes starting to heat up. So, he knew who he was. Maybe he's even seen his picture. Maria could do that. Turning around so fast, he took fast strides to the man and punched him square in the face. The other stumbled, surprised by the sudden attack.

Two black-suited men grabbed Alexander immediately but their Boss motioned for them to let him go and when they did he gritted his teeth in irritation. He wasn't intimidated by him, not in the least. He may not have been to the gym in years yet he still packed good shape. The only people he was wary of were the bodyguards, they looked like they would kill if Michael gave the orders but even they didnt stop him from hitting the asshole. God knows he had wanted to do that since he heard his daughter say he hit her.

"That is for hitting my daughter!" He spat and walked.

Fuck Him.

Fuck Maria.

Fuck the job.

Fuck his life.


Once he got home, he tossed the file on his bed and rushed into his bathroom, turning the shower on, he stepped in with his clothes and shoes on.

He's been to useless interviews over the weeks but this was hands down the worst of them all.

Of all the people to own that mall, it had to be Micheal.

What are the odds?

His heart constricted within his chest and he howled, as loud as he could until his lungs began to burn he didn't stop screaming. It hurts too much, this isn't right. But what hurts more is that until now, his heart still couldn't hate Maria. He wanted to hate her but he couldn't. He blamed himself for not owning more. If he was capable, she wouldn't have had a reason to hate or leave him.

He was bitter, getting out of the bathtub he stumbled on his steps as he hurried back into the living room, his focus rested on the refrigerator. He doubted he would find what he was after but once he got there he was lucky to find a bottle still shut tightly in there, grabbing it in haste he uncapped and began downing the drink, the harshness burnt his chest as it went down his throat but he didn't stop until he's drunk half the bottle then belched.

Wiping his mouth with the back of his left palm he staggered back to the bathroom, once in the dark space he slipped into the bathtub, bringing the bottle to his mouth, and this time he didn't take it out until it was empty.


Easton arrived at some point, he bought wine for them to celebrate and their dinner but when he entered into the darkroom he knew instantly that something was wrong. He turned on the lights and his eyes immediately fell on the messy bed where the file lay strewed with Alexander's phone in the middle of a paper mess.

"Xander?" He called, running into the bathroom. It was dark and no movement came from within the bathroom. He panicked and searched for the light switch once he had found it. He flipped it on and there his best friend was, in the overflowing bathtub, clothed and asleep. He gently stepped in fully and walked towards him, first he checked his pulse and once he was sure he was still alive, he left him there and walked back to the room heading straight for his closet.

Once he got there, he picked up his duffle bag and began packing up what little clothes he owned. Finally, he reached for the file and began to gather the papers, placing them carefully into the file. He took his phone, the wine, and their obviously ruined dinner and walked out of the room, downstairs, and to the parking lot. Once he had placed the contents in his hands into his car, he shut and returned to the room.

He stumbled into Mrs. Takahashi in the hallway and she waved happily at him.

"Hello, Mr. Easton." She sounded so cheerful it warmed his heart.

"Hello, Mrs. Takahashi, how have you been?" He gave her a nice warm hug and she returned it with laughter.

"I am good, thank you." She replied and he pushed away softly from their hug. "How is your friend?" She asked.

"He's...unwell," when he saw the worry in her eyes he forced a chuckle. "Oh, God, no, not like that, Mrs. Takahashi." She exhaled and he laughed.

"You scared me, young man," she panted, hitting him slightly. "I thought he had died!"

"I know, I'm sorry." He apologized. "I would need you to lock his apartment door and keep the keys, Mrs. Takahashi, he will be staying with me for some time until he's feeling well enough to return."

"Oh, of course, yes, I will look after the place until he is back. Please, take care of him.

"Thank you, Mrs. Takahashi."

"Oh, it's nothing, now go," she shoved him towards the slightly cracked door and he went in, straightaway into the bathroom, he hauled the still sleeping man with ease and walked out of the room.

"She's all yours, Mrs. Takahashi." He whispered once at the door and she nodded while making shooing motions with her left hand.

He smiled and walked down the hall, to the stairs, and down to his car.

His heart ached restlessly for the sleeping man in his arms. He reeked of booze and he didn't need to be told he had been crying, there was enough evidence still sticking on his face. Whatever made him return to the bathtub must have shaken him to the core.

"I love you, Alexander, please, hang in there, everything will be alright." He muttered under his breath once he had sat the man in the passenger side and buckled him in. Brushing wet hair away from the sleeping man's face, he laid a gentle kiss to his forehead, shut the door, and then made a quick turn to his side. It wasn't long before they were pulling away from the parking lot.

"Everything will be alright."

Chasing Tide (A Merman's Tale And The Human Who Desired Him) Where stories live. Discover now