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Chapter: 143.

His fingers clutched desperately at the scale-coated chest and pulled harder, pressing his own tongue into Tide's mouth, feeling the hot breath against his lips. He kissed him hungrily and greedily, desperate for more. He was kissing a god he couldn't get enough of and he wasn't letting him go, not now. Not ever. Tide wanted nothing else than to take him to bed, consume him, swallow him up as if he were the greatest delicacy in all the worlds, and devour every inch of him until he was all eaten away. Tide groaned when Alexander's moans broke the quietness of the night once again, the sounds he made drove him insane, like a restless seahorse Tide wanted to have him, so badly it provoked a thought and while Alexander remained carried away by his strong kisses Tide moved him away from the Island and into the sea, a ball of glass and water enclosed them and when Alexander felt his back touch the softest sheets he's ever laid on, his eyes snapped open and he looked around him, realising now that instead of standing as they were he was lying on a bed so soft yet so firm, surrounded by water-like forcefield of some sort, different colored fishes, great and small swam around the globe and Tide leaned into his neck and nipped on the soft skin with razor-like teeths, and Alexander forgot the beauty he was surrounded by, his conscience mixing with Tide's and when he looked into his eyes and saw Matthew staring back, he jerked, back arched off the bed in a most sinful pose and Tide ripped his clothing into shreds, settling between trembling yet parted thighs, he met Alexander's lips and kissed him so feverishly Alexander's body burned from their flames.

But it still didn't feel like enough, not even close.

"More..." Alexander mumbled, moaning lustfully.

Tide obliged without a word, kissing down his chest, his whole body trembled uncontrollably, wherever his lips touched quaked and shivered and Tide wanted to see more, do more and so he went lower, kissing and nipping, lovebites like fireflies filled Alexander's skin and when Tide saw just how many bites he left on the Human he smiled, flips two fingers and Alexander cried out in pure ecstasy, tears rolled down his face, the bite marks as if had grown teeth of their own burned his skin, and it felt as though Tide's teeth were everywhere, all over his body, and he couldn't control himself anymore when the wave of his first orgasm rolled in, Alexander's eyes rolled into the back of his head and he cried his released into Tide's waiting mouth but he wasn't satisfied, he wanted more.

Craved more.

"P-please.... mo-more..." He moaned and begged, writhing on that bed that felt as though he slept amidst the clouds.

Tide licked him, his tongue moving in long, languid strokes that left a trail of fire along Alexander's skin and he sighed into the touch, his hips bucking against it, begging to be taken. Every lick, every touch, every nip, every kiss carried a fire of their own, and Alexander couldn't help but scream out loud, the cries of pleasure tearing through his throat as his body gave way to its urges, his mind became cloudy, fogged, consumed with pleasure that took his thoughts away. He was a mess. A beautiful lewd mess in the hands of his magical being. Tide licked down the long line of Alexander's chest, his tongue moving in slow motions. The Merman lifted Alexander's hands above his head and spread his legs further apart, allowing his mouth free access and he dipped in. Wicked tongue stretched endlessly inside of him and when Alexander felt his tongue circle around his weak spot his back bolted from the softness of those sheets but Tide held him down easily, pinning him to the bed and very wickedly toyed with his weak spot repeatedly until Alexander was touching heaven with his second flow of orgasm.

But he still wasn't satisfied.

No matter how many times he came, it just wasn't enough. He wanted more. Needed more.

Alexander reached for the Merman's long hair and pulled his face up so he was staring into his eyes and once he met those familiar eyes, he muttered seductively. "More." He heard Matthew grunting from within the Merman and Alexander yelped when his hands left Tide's hair as if a force had pushed them off and then pinned them above his head, a slick material floated toward his hand and Alexander watched in both mixture of pleasure and fear as the ribbon wrapped itself around his wrist until his hands hurt and he cried out then the ribbon stopped its tying motions, the collar around his neck began to tightened as if a strong grip laid claim around his neck and Alexander began to choke and gulp in air, wet eyes met the smiling face of the Merman and those wicked eyes stared back. Tide raised a hand and when he brought it down it stung against his shivering thighs and Alexander moaned, thrashing about on the bed shamelessly yet beautifully.

A few more strikes and Tide was losing his mind. "I want to see this Alexander for all eternity," Tide said with a groan then without warning, began to press his member into Alexander's twitching yet hungry body and he cried a silent yes repeatedly, feeling the length of his lover stretch him lose as it's forced its way home, pain and pleasure mixed in a mind-numbing, indescribable combination of bliss and passion.

The sensation was exquisite.

It was euphoric.

Alexander bit his lip, teeth clamping down hard until he tasted blood, his nails dug into the flesh of his arms and he was certain they would leave bloody crescent-shaped marks upon it but no matter how painful those wounds were, he wanted more; his legs circled Tide's waist, Alexander clenched them tightly, locking him closer and causing his length to drive home completely and both Man and Merman growled their pleasure into the Seas. Tide started slowly but his thrust soon increased in pace, he could feel Alexander shaking in need, gasping his name. Tide slipped into his head, every wicked thought, every sinful need, he saw and he delivered, one hard thrust, one deep stroke, Alexander writhed under his touch, his cries became louder, his muscles convulsed and shook, the sound tore through his body. Tide withdrew, licking and tasting every part of his Human before capturing his lips in a sizzling kiss, holding him captive as he plunged deeply again and Alexander moaned, gripping Tide's thick shoulders and throwing his head back.

"I-I love you... so much." Alexander managed to say between heavy breaths, his legs tangled around Tide's waist, their bodies joined together, hearts and souls.

"I love you, even more, Alexander," Tide whispered into his ear, sending a wave of shiver through him and Alexander moaned.

Tide loved him into the sheets, thrust after thrust, never stopping or slowing down. Alexander gasped for air, sobbed, and moaned his name with abandon. Tide was close, he could feel it. Alexander's eyes bulged when he felt Tide lengthen inside of him, he was getting bigger, stretching him more open if that was possible, ruining him, the grip around his neck had long since vanished. He lost all feeling in his limbs, his senses dulled by pleasure, he could taste saltwater on his lips, he could hear the beating of his heart and feel the thrumming of his blood, drowning him within the waves of ecstasy, he closed his eyes, felt the heat engulf him in an endless heatwave, his bones rattled like waves of the ocean, the heat of his love was scorching him to death from inside out and the only thing keeping him alive was Tide's lips against his own.

He drank his kisses like they were the source of life and moaned his gratitude into Tide's smiling lips. He knew just how much of a mess he was making him and he enjoyed every whimper, every moan.

A gentle caress of warm air against his burning skin as his cock stretched him further, filling him completely, Alexander felt full and suddenly he couldn't take anymore and cry out in a voice full of desperation. "I'm done, I can't go on!" His climax came like a tidal wave crashing every last inch of him and he screamed as it hit him all at once, a violent and powerful surge, so hot it scorched everything it touched and he shivered like an arctic winter, his body shook like the surface of the coldest lake while his mind grew foggy, his sight darkened, his ears buzzed, he felt himself exploding into countless shards of crystal and he could barely breathe through the pain but somehow, he was still able to keep himself conscious until he felt his lover come undone inside of him, a powerful osmotic explosion rammed into him that nearly knocked the wind out of him, filling him to the brim and dripping steadily from his shute and he blacked out from the immense amount of pleasure coursing through his veins.

"I will miss him... I will miss you both."

The last words he heard.

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