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Chapter: 45.

"Sir," The man turned from his computer to meet the caller at his door. "May I?" He asked, still very aware of the frown sitting on the man's face.

Matthew's frown deepened as he looked for the second time but again he didn't bother to reply. He had requested that he bring the information quicker and he is only returning three hours later. He had called Easton but after the fourth time, he realized that he was avoiding his calls and so he had to stop calling. Whatever games he played with Alexander he was sure to find out sooner or later.

Jacob stepped fully into the living room where the man was sitting. His eyes didn't miss the empty bottles of whiskey and bourbon, littered about the glass table but he knew better to hold his tongue... Matthew isn't always sane when he is drunk which would explain why he ignored his calls so the man got closer and without a word offered him the tablet he held towards him and Matthew took it and immediately began to scroll through it hurriedly, reading all the pieces of information he had gathered.

Jacob had done his job well, bringing in every little detail that is to be known about his trusted employee and the brain behind White Prince, not that he was expecting any less from Jacob, far from it, he knew he would bring him good news only waiting isn't one of his strongest treats especially when he is desperate. Desperate times they say call for desperate measures and Alexander was both of those things, his desperate times and measures. At first, he thought he had Easton working with him on the same page since he made a promise to him but after his visit and small talk with Mrs. Takahashi... he knew he would always be loyal first to Alexander than to him.

He was the least angry at the man. This wasn't entirely on him. He is only protecting a friend from whatever secrets they have lying around... Alexander is who's to be blamed. After all these years and yet he wouldn't get his happy desires. But he wouldn't give up just yet. He has come this far and no matter what, he's not about to quit, again, quitting isn't one of his strongest treats, he respected whatever he had with Maria, he wasn't going to be such a gentleman the second time. An image caught his eyes as he scrolled and he paused to click play on the video and what he saw enraged him without end. Jacob stepped back a few feet once he caught those deadly expressions scroll through his Boss's face as if it were the tablet his fingers scrolled.

"What is the matter, Sir?"

"What is this?" he queried with the tablet now turned to the cautious man with the video playing in the background.

Jacob swallowed but knew he had to give an answer soon so he blinked and swallowed yet again and with a heavy voice replied. "So...while I was investigating Easton as you required I decided to dig a little on Alexander..."

Cutting him off, Matthew brawled. "I didn't ask that you investigate him?"

"I'm sorry, Sir..."

"Do you have any idea just how stubborn that lover of mine can be?!" he yelled and Jacob nodded his disapproval while backing away slowly. "And what is this video?" he pushed, brows twisted into an ugly angle. "Where did you find this?" His anger flared like a ticking time bomb.

Jacob had to act fast, think wise and reply with a convincing tone or else his head could be on the line. "You know your men are CIA level, they were able to dig into the CCTV from Alexander's apartment to the beach, I learned he loves taking a stroll down the beach..."

"Please tell me something I don't already know Jacob, you're only wasting my time."

"That...," he cleared his suddenly dried throat. "There is your Alexander cosplaying with another man who isn't Easton."

"You say that as if he and Easton are a couple..." Matthew returned with a warning glare.

"Oh, not at all, Sir, but he seems close to that person as close as he would be with Mr. Easton, is what I mean."

"And how close would you say he is with Easton?"


"What makes you so certain?"

"With all due respect, Sir, I have kept watch on those two since you found Alexander again and I can say that they are really close."

"Would you say they are a couple?"

"No, absolutely not, no such thing, Sir, they are really great friends, might even consider each other brothers, nothing suspicious in their relationship, I would have dug that out."

"Yet, you compare this stranger to be as close to Alexander just as Easton..."

"He is carrying the man in such open space and dressed in such a lewd costume..."

"Yes, I was wondering, why in a mermaid costume?"

"I wish I had an answer to that, Sir."

Matthew was quiet for the most part, slowly contemplating the video. It made no sense. "Anything else you find that isn't weird?" He demanded, giving up on the video.

"Oh, sure, but brace yourself for this one..." Once he was certain he had the man's undivided attention he proceeded with the details that weren't captured by the CCTV. "So, after he had taken that partner into his truck he returned to get seawater which was weird since I didn't see what he could possibly need that water for unless he's into some really weird fetish..." To this Matthew growled causing Jacob to shudder and clear his throat before continuing. "Then after you called me, I went asking around and I heard from a reliable source that both he and Easton once again carried this fella in the mermaid costume and drove off right after Easton returned from the fish market. Don't you find this whole scenario a little weird too?"

"Hmmm," Matthew thought deeply. "What time was this video captured?" He asked.

"Between eight to nine in the morning."

"And what time did they take the costumed man away?"

"Around the same time frame tonight... should be a little while before you arrive at his apartment. If you had gone a few minutes earlier you would have found them."

"A man in a costume for nearly twenty-four hours...eh...it does seem like a strange scenario, Jacob."

"Yes, my thoughts exactly, you think it has to do with a fetish, Sir...maybe all three of them had you know...?"

"One more of that word from you and you'll be stripped of your position as my second man!" Matthew warned.

"Yes, Sir, I'm sorry, Sir, my mouth misspoke again."

"Then put it in order or cut it off!" He groaned, picking up the tablet once again but he couldn't concentrate now, something didn't sit right with this video, especially the fine details of that merman cosplay costume, could that truly even be a costume? And the seawater, only Alexander would be kind enough to make sure everything and everyone around him is comfortable. It was in his nature... to do good even unto those who don't deserve his goodness. If he took time to get seawater then there's certainly more. "Inform me if Easton shows up to work tomorrow and keep the guys on the watch for his every step... Alexander's I mean."

"Yes, Sir."

"Thank you for this... You can leave."

Jacob nodded and turned to leave. Once he was out of sight Matthew groaned and jumped out of his chair immediately going into his room and the hidden door behind his wall of fame. Pulling at the award which held as a disguise for the handle to his secret room, he walked into the darkroom, a hand caressed the pendant around his neck as he bowed a little so the pendant could seek its purpose, it was inserted into the little opening by the entrance and bright lights flooded the room. Illuminating the many hidden secret treasures he held in his private room.

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