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Chapter: 96.

Both friends drove to work in comforting silence. Tide had told them that morning while they had breakfast that Matthew had agreed to grant the SoulPearl to him although he seemed very tired he could barely finish his breakfast that morning Alexander had to take him up to their bedroom and put him down gently on it so he would sleep, brushing his lips against the sleeping Merman's before leaving to go meet Easton by the door, waiting.

With the help of the Mountain Tears, Tide's colors have returned, his Soulpearl recovering fast. Alexander couldn't be more grateful knowing that his Merman was healing, by the time they returned home he was certain Tide would be waiting to greet them at the door wearing that alluring smile on his face.

That smile he would often see on Matthew's face.

There is something about Tide and Matthew, something unique and it confuse him. Countless times he has tried to figure it out but it would leave him so completely drained he either falls asleep or get a headache so in other to stay sane, he had chosen to shove the thoughts aside and focus on what was present.

The drive was silent except for the music played on the radio. They hadn't spoken much concerning Michael and in truth, Alexander didn't need much explaining from his best friend. He could clearly see how smitten Easton is for the man and nothing has made him happier. Once they arrived at Falcon, Alexander waited for Easton to turn off the engine and as if on cue they both pulled the car doors open and stepped out. Alexander stood at his side and waited for Easton who didn't take long before he was standing in front of him.

Alexander smiled, his eyes glistening with pride and something else, something he couldn't quite pinpoint but felt sure it was happiness. "I don't know what I did to deserve you, Easton but I am happy I have you in my life," he reached up and placed his hands on either side of Easton. "I'm certain there is no other friend for me in this world but you, East." A smile broke out on his friend's face and he chuckled. "God, you're such a handsome man... fuck!" Alexander muttered and shook his head, donning a more serious expression on his face as he continued to speak. He knew that this was an exciting moment for his friend and that he needed to be there to support him. He took his hand in his and squeezed it tight, "You can do this Easty!" he said encouragingly. "You've got this," he squeezed tightly. "Remember what we discussed the last time, do not hesitate to tell him who you are," Easton nodded and smiled.

"If this is what your heart wants then give it all you've got, as much as you have given me, give it even more because you deserve this happiness and I am happy that I can share this moment with you-" his voice broke off when Easton suddenly threw himself at him, arms wrapping around him and burying his head into his shoulder blade. Alexander let out a yelp and laughed before wrapping his arms around him and returning his embrace, tears forming in their eyes. Everything they held for each other they conveyed through that hug. No words needed to be spoken anymore. Their hearts understood. They stayed like that for a few moments until Easton pulled away slowly, looking directly into his eyes. Alexander smiled sadly at him and wiped the stray tears from his cheeks.

"Thanks," Easton whispered and smiled.

"I guess that means we need to get going now," Alexander joked as he started to walk towards the entrance, Easton following closely behind him.

Once they walked through the doors both April and Sally were standing in wait for both men, each rushing to the sides of their Boss and grabbing their bags and folder off their hands while greeting the men. Alexander smiled and nodded toward Easton as they walked their separate ways to the elevators that would send them to their respective floors.

The doors ding and both Alexander and April walked out of the elevator and into the hallway, they made the short distance to their office, first walking past April's before pushing through the glass doors and entering that of Alexander's. Once inside Alexander paused when he noticed a gift bag sitting on top of his table.

"What is that?" He asked.

April placed his bag and folder beside the strange gift bag and turned to face her Boss wearing a rather suspicious glint in her eyes. "That was brought in by Falcon, he instructed that I shouldn't touch it only if I intend to lose my job then I can touch it not that I have the intentions of touching what's yours or anything." She frowned as she watched her boss' facial expression soften. Alexander took a step closer to his desk and once he was close enough he picked the bag up. He turned back around to face her and smiled softly before turning to his desk and placing the bag down next to his computer.

"Thank you," he greeted and gave her a soft smile. "Is there anything else you would like me to attend to?" As if he had reminded her of what she had forgotten, the lady jumped back and rushed out of his office only returning a second later with a file which she handed over to him.

"You have a meeting in thirty minutes for the presentation of the newest projects and a coffee meeting with Mr. Ron at one, a couple of contracts to sign, and that would be all." She read out to him. He smiled and thanked her before reaching over and taking the file from her hands. He sat down, opened it up and began to read. There were several papers inside, some of which had an email and a contract attached to the front cover asking him to sign them. He signed and closed the file before opening up another. By the time he was finished with the file and looked up, April was gone. He was going to dial her when his eyes flickered over to the gift bag in front of him. He placed the file aside and reached for the bag, unzipping it carefully, his eyes widened when he saw the contents of the bag. Gently he reached into the bag and pulled out the first thing his hand touched.

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