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Chapter: 21.

"Your Highness," Tide bowed in acknowledgment of the princess as she emerged from her chambers to meet him in the welcoming room.

Happy that she was seeing her Tideian for the first time in months she rushed into his waiting arms and hugged him with all she was worth. Tide laughed and held her tightly in his arms.

Has it really been that long he saw her?

Spending all his days tending to a Tideian's affair and the little time he could spare he had spent in the arms of his merman lover, it left little to no time at all for his betrothed.

"I am so happy to see you, Tide!" A drop of blue tear ran down her cheek and he wiped it off, kissing the side the tear had touched.

"Do not cry, Princess Diondra," he begged and she nodded eagerly. "I am not worthy of your tears." He added with dismay.

She stared into his eyes as if searching within his soul for that which seemed to trouble him. "You are worthy of all that I am, Tideian." She said, assuring him. Only he knew why he had come and it wasn't a visit that would bring the Princess happiness.

"I'm sorry, Princess Diondra-" he started but paused when he saw her turn away swiftly to begin ordering her maids about.

"Go set the table for my Tideian," she ordered, looking away from the maids she turned towards Tide.

"What are you sorry for, my love?" She asked once their eyes met.

"There is something we need to talk about, something I have to tell you."

"Hold that thought," she stopped him again. "I haven't seen you in so long, you took me by surprise, I didn't even prepare, so let me assist the maids with your table and I shall be with you shortly." She brushed her lips against his briefly then hurried away leaving the merman alone to ponder on what better way to break this horrible news he had brought with him.

As he watched maids rush around the room he desperately wanted to tell the princess not to bother but he didn't wish to give her any more stress. The news he brought wasn't one of great joy but one that was bound to leave her blight for days to come.

He didn't even think he had the heart to do such a thing.

How would he tell her?

What better way or manner could anyone possibly give such disheartening news?

All her life she had given to him. She grew up knowing just him and loving only him. Her heart knew just him. The love she knew was the one she was told to hold only for her Tideian. How then can he bring such barbaric news and shatter years of tender loving? It doesn't matter how long he stayed without seeing her, yet whenever he did see her, her affection and reception towards him were always the same.

She has never complained about his negligence. Always very understanding of him. Her arms always opened to receive him with love and her heart devoted to him. He watched with a smile as she went about taking all kinds of sea-fruits from her maids and gently resting them on the elegant glass table in the center of the room. Then he looked away quickly when she turned towards him, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

Spotting the colorful seahorses dancing in circles right outside the window he kept his gaze there and watched them instead.

"Tide?" He heard the softness of her voice calling, he took his eyes away from the seahorses to have them resting upon hers.

"Which would you rather prefer?" She asked gently all the while he looked her directly in the eyes without noticing the teabags in a maid's basket just beside the princess. Diondra is the most beautiful mermaid in all the seven seas. Her hair reached the length of her tail and her skin glowed flawlessly like millions of sea-pearls. "The soul-seed tea from Ebilor, the purple-rose tea from Syctis, the dragon-leave tea from Riveri, or the blue-tea from Aquaria." It was after she had pointed at the basket had he realized what she was talking about.

"Oh, um," he looked at the different colorful tea bags and wondered which he hadn't tasted yet. He's had all of them but one seems to be the best but for some reason, he couldn't remember which. "Which is your favorite, Diondra?" He asked, addressing her by her name. He smiled when a blush crept up her cheeks, her left hand quickly covering the side of her face as she looked away shyly.

She was going to make this breakup a lot harder for him.

"I prefer the Soul-seed tea, it is said that it has the power to increase soul-strength and visions." She explained.

"Then that's the one I will have." He announced and she nodded and went away once again leaving him to process his bad news and to build ways in which he would break this news.

Maybe he should have seen the king first. It would have been better if he told the King about his affair with a merman than for him to tell the princess. Not knowing how she would react or what she would do scars him more than anything.

The table was set and she invited him over. Even as they ate, he couldn't fully enjoy the delicious meals, the savory fruits, or the soul-seed tea. It was hard to chew and even harder to swallow. His throat had suddenly tightened and his conscience torments him.

It was unbearable, these feelings.

"Diondra?" He started, setting his cutlery down, he turned towards the princess, bright luminous amethyst eyes acknowledged him, and his heartbeat sped up. "I pleaded audience with the King!" He blurted, his voice shaky, fingers trembled and eyes threatening to water any moment. "To inform him that I do not wish to proceed with our marriage." His heart skipped when he heard her breath hitch. "I'm sorry, Diondra, I truly am." He pleaded with an aching heart.

"Is there another?" She asked, her voice held calmness and her aura blew a cold breeze across the dining room.

"Yes." He confessed with a lowered head and bleeding eyes.

"Who is this mermaid that has stolen the heart of my Tideian, perhaps, I could plead that she let him go for I have known to love no other but him."

Tide had to shamefully look into her eyes this time. She was calm, too calm, it frightens him beyond words. It would be better if she yelled or maybe even cursed at him but the gentleness in which she was handling this horrible news, felt like a spinning blade, slashing into his heart mercilessly.

"Merman." He muttered.

"A merman." She repeated. "Tide, do you truly love this merman?" She asked as if needing an ultimate confirmation from him.

"I-" Tide paused, he does love Roan although he hasn't bothered to reach out to him since he sent him the Mountain Tears. It troubles him greatly. He has no knowledge of his whereabouts. What if he too had touched the Tears just as he had done? He needed to go look for him when this was all over. "I do." He admitted.

"And does he love you the same?" She gently held his left arm and gave him a reassuring squeeze. It soothed his burning heart. "I sense hesitation." She went on. "I tell you this, Tideian, the Gods do not punish a creature for finding love and as such I will not come between this love that you have found but know this, I will not free you from our bond of unity which the Elders had bestowed upon our tails but the day your heart shall love truly without hesitation, on that day I shall free you from our bond and you shall be free to be with your lover." She stood up and bowed slightly towards him.


"It is so nice of you to drop by, Tideian," she smiled and turned. "Thank you for eating with me one last time." With that said she was out of the room and away from his sight.

Confused and frustrated he stared at the unity bond at the tip of his tail. It was a bond that binds both of them and just as the princess had said, only love as pure as the one she holds for him can erase this bond, and if Roan's love for him isn't strong enough to erase the bond then maybe his mother and Nixie had truly been right all along.

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