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Chapter: 89.

Lina sat by her bed lost in thoughts. Maria was taking her beloved Michael for a fool and she didn't like that one bit. It's funny how she thinks her dirty little secrets are kept hidden when she knows all about it. The only oblivious one in this game is Michael, and it's annoying since the man doesn't bother with these things. Maybe it could be since he doesn't care about these sorts of things. Love. Romance. Cheating. If it was Matthew, he sure would have seen through Maria's lies but not Michael. He doesn't care. The only good thing is when he finds out, it will get Maria out of this house quicker, which is exactly what she wants because she doesn't see any reason why Maria should be spending Michael's wealth and parading fake pregnancy in all their faces like they're all fools.

Stupid woman.

Hissing, Lina, turned towards the file she kept by the bedside, she's going to have to hand this over to Michael once he returns home tonight. All her secrets would be out in the open. No more playing the Mrs. Nice woman. She's had enough of Maria's lies. They all have.


The sound of the doorbell had the little girl running toward it to open and once she does, she didn't find anyone on the front porch just a small brown box lying at her feet. She picked it up and turned around to find Lina standing there.

"I'll take that, honey." She muttered and took the box from her, while looking for who it was addressed to but found none. She took the box into her bedroom and carefully tore it open, pictures of Maria naked filled her vision and she quickly closed the lid and hid the box underneath her bed. That box never reached any other member of the family but Lina. Two days later and another box was delivered, suspicious Lina took it this time to Maria, who quickly dismissed her from her presence once she saw the content of the box. Lina knew better so she left her alone. Another box came and this time Lina once again sent it to Maria. The sudden change in her expression was enough to give the content of the box away and once again, Lina knew.

But, that day had been different. While Maria had the content of the box littered about her bed in an attempt to gather and dispose of them, Allison had walked into her mother's bedroom unannounced and got a glimpse of what lay at her mother's bed. Scared, she ran into her bedroom. Maria came into her room to talk but the girl wasn't ready to listen.

"Those are your pictures, Mum, why would you have anyone take your pictures when you're naked?!" She didn't understand it.

"Honey, they're not mine. Someone is trying to blackmail me. They're all photo shopped none of those pictures are real."

"People can do that?!" She asked, wide-eyed and curious.

Maria sighed. "Yes, honey, people who don't want to see that other people are happy would do that to ruin them and take away their happiness."

"If you're in trouble we can tell Dad, he will help you, mum." Allison pleaded. "Daddy will get them back for hurting you, I can tell him for you."

"No sweetheart, not a word of this to your Dad, okay." Allison nodded but didn't understand why she wouldn't seek her Dad's help. "I'll figure something out," she smiled, trying to ease the little girl's mind but Allison was far too disturbed to return her smile. "Now go outside and play or I could call my friends to send their daughters over and you all can have a big slumber party tonight, huh!" She suggested.

"No, I'm too tired today, I will go make dinner with Lina."

"Perfect." After giving her mom a tight hug, she reluctantly walked out of her bedroom, leaving her mother there.

That night the little girl didn't sleep at ease. The pictures kept haunting her rest.

She was going to tell her Dad the next day but Lina made her not to. Saying it isn't right for her to meddle in the adult business and she should let her mother tell her Dad when she's ready. Allison had asked how she knew about the pictures and Lina had told her she overheard them speaking in her room since her door wasn't shut and she happened to have walked by when they were speaking. Allison didn't like the fact that her father is kept in the dark about the danger her mother is in but she will listen to Lina.


Lina signed at the memory and jolted away from her bed when she heard Allison calling from her bedroom door.

"Hey, sweetie," She smiled grandly at the girl as she entered.

"Is it okay if I come in?" Allison asked and Lina chuckled, shaking her head sideways.

"You're already in, my love." She pointed out the obvious.

"Oh." She sheepishly laughed. "Sorry for intruding, I know it's late..."

"Don't worry about it, I wasn't going to sleep anyway. What is it you need me for?" Lina asked, concerned. The little angel looked bothered.

"I miss my Daddy." She frowned and Lina pulled her into a comforting embrace, stroking her hair softly as she hummed to calm the child down. Allison sighed in relief. Lina was her haven. "I want to be with him." She sniffle and Lina hushed her soothingly. She held on to the girl until she calmed down before releasing her. "I love him," the girl whispered. Lina smiled and wiped away her tears.

"And I know he misses and loves you even more!" She kissed the girl's forehead lovingly and the little girl giggled. "Are you hungry? Want me to make something for you? Your favorite milkshake?" Allison shook her head negatively.

"I want to lay with you tonight," Allison said shyly and Lina cocked a brow at the child.

"Really?" Allison nodded eagerly. "Okay. Let's get comfortable then, shall we?" Allison smiled and Lina helped her climb onto the bed. They snuggled under the covers and Lina started reading to her. It was simple stories she liked. About Fairies and Mermaids. It wouldn't be the first time she would sleep in her bed. When they had first moved in she often had these reoccurring nightmares of her father dying that kept her up at night and to make her sleep she would snuggle up to her while she reads to her. She was so little yet she worries so much about her father it gave her nightmares.

Having Allison around made the Mansion lively and less ghostly and she was never lonely again. Allison is a sweet angel who cares about people, helping them as well as animals. Before her seventh birthday, she had found a lost kitty and had insisted they brought her home. She had birds she had found from different playgrounds and she wouldn't stop looking for any helpless animal to bring home. Her love for her Father was immeasurable to none. Lina couldn't wait for all this to be over so her little girl could be with her father.

"Do you think Mermaids are real?" Allison asked with a sleepy voice.

"I'm sure they are, sweetheart, living their best life under the sea." Allison giggled.

"They are very beautiful," Allison whispered.

"And you're as beautiful too." Lina cooed at her, causing the little girl to blush slightly and nod.

"Like the mermaids?"

"Like the mermaids," Lina confirmed.

"Mommy says they're not real but Daddy used to say that they are and you believe that they are real, right? Mermaids are real, aren't they?" Allison looked into her eyes with those innocent round orbs that Lina was sure she took from her father even though they look a lot like Maria's.

"Yes, they are."

"And one day we'll be able to meet one, won't we?"

"Of course, we will." Allison giggled again and nodded, her eyelids heavy with sleep. "And now it's time for this little mermaid to get some sleep..." Lina kissed her temple. "Now, shh, rest up." She watched her lashes flutter shut and a smile graced her lips. She turned off the lamp on her side table and crawled in next to the little girl and hugged her tightly, feeling her breathing slow and steady. Lina smiled and kissed the top of her head before falling asleep herself.

Her little Allison will be alright.

She will make sure of that.


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