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Chapter: 36.

Once home first he filled his tub then he went for the creature and brought him into his apartment and right away to his seawater-filled tub. The creature was bigger and longer than his small bathtub but at least the gills were covered in the water and so was his head and it was amazing how he breathed fine underwater.

Alexander stood close and just stared at the creature for what seemed like forever. He saw the hair start to glow brightly. The tail sparkled like a galaxy of stars. He saw the gills on both sides of his neck move subtly. He was simply magnificent beyond words.

God, he has never seen a more beautiful image in his whole life.

There was no way he was staring at a human in a costume that much was cleared and shoved into the sea right at the beach, he had found a merman and he was lying in his bathtub.

Realization kicked in and he quickly searched for his phone. He was supposed to go into work today but there was no way he would be doing that now.

He needed to call Easton.


Easton sat in his office when Sally barged in without even knocking, startled he turned towards his door to find the anxious woman by it.

"What's wrong?" He eyed her worriedly.

She inhaled then exhaled before coming to stand beside him she whispered into his ears. "Pick up the phone..." her eyes went to the phone and he nearly laughed at how dramatic she was at the moment.

"Who is on the phone?" He asked.

"Falcon." She whispered again and quickly he grabbed the phone and pressed it into his ear.

"Yes, Falcon."

"I heard he didn't show up today." That rough voice brushed past his ear and he shuddered from It.

Knowing who he referred to which seems to leave Easton at loss for words since the idiot had promised he would be at work today even before he did. It has to be the first time he has failed to keep his words and there better be a perfect reason behind it.

"He promised me he was going to be here."

"Go. Find. Him!"

"Yes, sir!"

"And meet with Jacob for my private number, call me once you have seen him, I will come pick you both up myself!"

"Yes, Falcon."

The line went dead.

The fuck is wrong with Xander?! He wondered. Yesterday he had left his home claiming he needed to return to his apartment to do some cleaning around the place and then from there he would come into work the next day. Easton had agreed, he didn't see why he shouldn't let the man go clean up his home and he had gotten into work late so he didn't bother checking in to be sure. He was there taking his words for it he thought he would be at work and he didn't bother, he was going to check on him once it was lunch break, and now this!

He shouldn't have let him go!

Getting on his feet he began to dial Xander's number but it wouldn't connect since unbeknownst to him, Alexander was trying to call him at that very moment.

Grunting in frustration he nearly smashed his phone. "Fuck...!" He cried and Sally jumped back a little at his outburst.

"Is something the matter?"

"Yes, that idiot Xander is the matter!" He yelled, picking up his car keys he dashed out of the office and straight for Jacob's office. Once he found him sitting there, the man handed him a gold card before he had even declared his purpose.

"Good luck, Mr. Willie." Jacob mocked using his middle name.

Easton only just seethed and stepped out. It didn't take him too long to reach his car and as he was about to get in, his phone began to ring.

It was Xander.


The other started but Easton wouldn't let him finish as his voice crowded that of the other man shutting him up instantly.

"You had better be bedridden by some unknown disease or so help me-"

"I know... I know, I'm sorry, buddy, but something happened, can you get here right now?!"

"Are you crazy?"

"You can do whatever you want with me when you get here but first get here, it will all make sense when you do, come on now, please, E."

"I'm on my way and this sudden call better have an emergency attached with it!" The line broke and Easton exhaled. First, he was glad that nothing bad had happened to the dumbhead because now he can kill him when he sees him.

The nerve of that man.

He made a promise and broke his end of the deal and still has the effrontery to call him and demand that he leave work to come see him quickly?!

Really, Xander?!

God, you're lucky I love you too much! He mentally yelled with a roll of his eyes.

Idiot Xander.


Alexander tossed his phone on the bed and fell beside it. Feeling guilty he broke his promise to Easton and the manner he had requested that he left work immediately, completely forgetting the man could be busy with his project in commission. He should give a sincere apology once he gets here. He was the one who talked him into making that promise with those puppy dog eyes and quivering lips. The manipulator.

He signed. "Stupid, Xander." He muttered under his breath.


Opening the door at full speed, Easton dashed in looking around the space frantically for the source of this emergency call. To think that Falcon had ordered him to go find Xander and the idiot in question had demanded that he come over disregarding every other thing he could be doing at that very moment if Falcon had not sent him off first. On his way over, he contemplated calling Falcon to inform him of Xander's whereabouts but remembering Xander wouldn't appreciate that idea, he decided against it.

See him first then think of Falcon later.

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