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Chapter: 131.

Michael frowned, staring at the boy through the glass doors with the elevator already beginning its ascent Thomas had to chase after them through the stairs since that elevator was the only current functional one and by the time he reached the top floors he was out of breath and the men had gone round and had finished with inspection. It was time for Michael to meet with his chief Engineer. As soon as they came out the door they saw Tom sprinting down the hallway. The lad had an anxious look on his face and when he caught sight of the two men he skidded to a stop, breathing heavily. He was so breathless he couldn't speak and after a few moments he managed a gasp and said something, but Michael was unable to hear him. Shaking his head he waved off the boy in dismissal and began to walk towards the nearest room and pushed open the double doors. Inside he saw his Chief Engineer laying orders to a few more Engineers and their respective site supervisors, the architect sat beside him carefully studying his blueprints and once James caught sight of the man he dismissed them and ran over to share a handshake with Michael.

"Mr. Michael, what a surprise, I wasn't expecting you until later and most certainly without a call. You always call. Why didn't you call?" James asked while leading him into a much cleaner part of the office where he proceeded to pour them a glass of whiskey and passed it to him. Michael took the glass and turned it over to Easton who took it with a smile, returning his gaze to James who is now pouring him another glass, the man handed it over to him. Smiling appreciatively at James, Michael downed it swiftly as he sat on the sofa against the wall.

"Well, I couldn't wait to show my Lover here my newest project, he thought only he had something great going." He smiled with a wink and Easton shook his head with a chuckle.

"You are such a manchild." He muttered, sipping softly from his glass.

"That he can be," James agreed with a chuckle, then swiftly picked up Michael's glass for a refill. Easton could see just how close both men were. "Anyway, why didn't you give me a call, I would have waited to welcome you by the gates?" He changed the subject. "I know we're having quite an important meeting with you later tonight but I think this might be more important and need to be dealt with right now since you're sitting here." He finished and offered Michael his once again filled glass.

Michael leaned back into the sofa with a groan as he took the glass and as he was about to kiss the tip of the glass the doors tore open and once again Tom was interrupting him. He was this close to firing the boy when he heard his next word.

"Gunshot, Sir!" Tom cried, almost falling down the few steps that separated his entranceway from his Boss. "I-I heard it, Sir," his demeanor was entirely altered. There was no longer any trace of nervousness or hesitance, there was fear now. Tom's face paled as he took a step closer and dropped to his knees. "Lina," He muttered as tears began to stream down his face. Michael's glass slipped from his grasp and the scattering sound was deafening. He rose quickly and approached the boy then pulled him up by the collar he demanded with a cold voice.

"What the fuck are you talking about, Tommy?" He seethed and looked into the boy's eyes searching for any hint of humor or playfulness or the mischievous glint which always graced his features. Finding none, Michael clenched his fists. "Thomas?" He warned and paused his fist movement when Tom pushed his phone into his face. Lina had called but now it was disconnected. Grabbing the phone from the boy he proceeded to glare at him.

"I had just finished giving your orders to Brayton when your phone began to ring, you had instructed me to answer it if it was Lina or Allison and I did but she wouldn't say anything I heard these men yelling from the background, threatening with gun and death and then there was Gunshot, I swear I heard Gunshot, Sir!" His words began tumbling out as he held his shaking hands together tightly. He wasn't entirely sure now but he was certain he heard Gunshot.

"Gunshot?" Michael blinked, stumbling a few steps back, Easton was on his feet and rushing over to the man but Michael was already dialing a number on his phone and pacing the floor of the office. "Blackadder!" He growled into the phone and he could hear the other man gasp from the other end.

"Oh, thank goodness, Sir, I was about to give you a call," Blackadder spoke fast.

"What is going on?!" Michael demanded impatiently.

"Sir, I'm afraid, there is a problem." Blackadder began to speak and Michael heard his heart start to fall apart.

"What problem?!" He growled and Tommy flinched at the sound of his voice.

"My men lost them on a speed chase, an hour ago, and when they found them again, they were long gone leaving only the now deceased body of Madam Lina Rosa,"


"I'm sorry, Sir..."

"You're sorry!" Michael growled, voice trembling. "You incompetent fool, all of you!" He cried into the phone. "I instructed you not to take your eyes away from them, not even for a freaking damn second, you idiot!" Michael roughed his hair and screamed. "Fuck!!"

"I am truly sorry, Sir, but it turns out this was more than we had made preparations for, those men are brutal but I assure you we will find these men soon enough. You can come in anytime for Lina. One more thing, Sir, Allison was taken and we can't find Maria." Michael didn't realize when he pressed end to the call and he dropped to his knees, his fingers trembling, hands shaking, eyes bleeding so fast Easton began to panic the longer he stared at the man, he was lost as he didn't understand what was happening.

Slowly he approached Michael and as soon as he placed a comforting hand on the man's shoulder Michael let out a heart-wrenching scream and fell to the ground clutching the front of his coat, his shoulders shaking violently as he sobbed brokenly. "Non, non, mon Dieu, non!" He wailed shakingly. His entire body was starting to tremble. "Non!" He kept muttering to himself, rocking back and forth on the ground as he crawled into it like a child. It was becoming painful watching him suffer, what's more, painful is that Easton didn't know why.

He wanted to hold him and comfort him, but instead, all he did was sit beside the weeping man crying softly with him, waiting. Waiting for him to calm down. Slowly the sobs ceased and slowly Michael lifted his tear-streaked cheeks to stare into the man's worried gray eyes. The pain behind the dark blue pools broke Easton's heart and all he wanted to do was cry alongside him but all he could do was watch helplessly as Michael stared at him for a moment. "Michael?" He called, the man was starting to scare him with that devil's glare. "What happened, baby, tell me?" He pleaded.

Michael rose without breathing a word to Easton and Easton helplessly followed his movements until he was stepping out of the office. Easton and Tom practically ran after the man as they marched speedily behind him they heard him speaking into the phone once again and it was this time that Easton heard the reason behind the hurt and he nearly tripped over himself and fell when he heard.

"Frère, Lena est morte et Allison a été kidnappée."

Even if he doesn't understand the whole thing there was no way in hell he didn't get the last bit.

Allison was kidnapped.

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