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Chapter: 114.


Easton, who was coming out of the elevator for the millionth time in the last hour, was more than pissed and worried that Alexander was nowhere to be found and so was Falcon. He was sure he came into the office that morning and in fact, was present at the meeting but now it was more than annoying that he couldn't find the man or his best friend. It wasn't in Xander's character to just leave without doing as little as informing him; it made it all the more worrying for the man. No one seems to have seen them leave the company either, which was weird since April had informed him that neither of them was in Falcon's office. After waiting for another hour he decided it was best he went up there and looked for himself. Now, he's confirmed that Alexander had vanished from Falcon. Insisting that April opened the doors for him he noticed the discarded clothes on the floor, the cuffs and a few other toys, the office was in a wicked state, with files and computers broken and scattered about the floor, the table didn't look in good condition either, it seemed as though the two had heated it off in the office and at some point left to go someplace more comfortable but Xander would have informed him if he was leaving the office.

He wouldn't just leave, would he? Well, knowing Falcon it is also very likely that the man wouldn't let him make calls, either way, he hoped his theories were correct and Xander is with Falcon.

Grabbing his phone from where it rested on the table, he dialed his idiot friend's number but the phone had gone straight to voicemail.

'Hey stranger, if I do not pick up after the third ring, call East, thank you.'

Was the annoying voice note he heard, frowning and grunting in frustration, Easton slumped into his chair, one hand combing into his disheveled hair. Why does he have to always make him worry like this? He wondered, promising to fight him out on this after this was all over. April came into his office and in her hand was Alexander's phone. She approached him and handed it over.

"It was ringing in his office, I saw it was you so I brought it over." She informed and Easton thanked her and took the phone. He had only dismissed and was watching April leave when suddenly Sally rushed into the office panting and looking toward him as if she had seen a ghost.

"What's the matter, Sal?" He asked, sitting up in his chair and looking over her shoulders to the door but she hadn't spoken a word when the door pulled open and two men in black suits stepped into the space. "Yes, may I help you?" He asked standing on his feet and walking around his table to go stand in front of Sally shielding her with his back.

"Certainly, Sir, Mr. Clayton asked that we bring you to a place."

"Mr. Who?" He asked with raised brows.

"Michael Clayton?" The second man repeated and Easton frowned.

"What do you think I'm doing here, wrapping presents for Santa?" He yelled begrudgingly and pulled Sally further away from the men. "I'm at my place of work. He wouldn't send that I leave my workplace for what exactly?" He demanded, glaring at them.

"I wouldn't know, Sir, just carrying out orders." The first man replied politely.

"Your orders are stupid as is the man who ordered them, now leave, I have work to do." He ushered them out but the door tore open and a middle-aged man with round glasses stepped in clutching a satchel in one hand.

"I'm sorry, I'm late, I had a rough time parking, my glasses fell and broke," He grabbed the said glasses and balanced them over his face carefully, round worried eyes sought Easton's from cracked glasses and he smiled and outstretched one hand to him. "Mr. Markwell, at your services." Easton glared at the hand confusedly but shook him nonetheless.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

"Mr. Falcon said you'll be away for a while and that I needed to sit in and take care of your duties while you're away." He informed and Easton's frown deepened. So, this was all their plan. Leaving him here to worry about Xander while they plotted against him. He will be smacking that ass in the head hard when he sets eyes on him. Maybe he too was in on this stupid joke. They left the office without informing him and now they're sending someone to stand in for him while asking that he leaves his office. Alexander will get what's coming for him this time.

"Seems like I don't have a choice in the matter?" He muttered with gritted teeth and his frown deepened as he continued to address Sally this time. "Well, then," He started, turning toward Sally. "If I'm not back or give you a call in an hour, call the police." Sally nodded and smiled as the man walked out of the office but not before leaving a word of warning to the new Mr. Markwell. "She's very special and you had better treat her with care or you wouldn't be sitting in my office for much longer." The man nodded eagerly as Sally brushed strands of hair behind her ear.

Whatever they have planned, it had better be worth his working time.


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