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Chapter: 120.

Alexander must be very tired seeing that he still sleeps until now. It's what he wanted, a smile gracing his lips as he crawled his way up the bed to the side of his still sleeping Lover. Slowly Matthew began to tug the sheets away from his naked chest until it had slipped off completely exposing his kiss-marked chest, Alexander tossed that time and Matthew had to seize his movement then resumed once he had settled down, he took the rose and slowly began to trace it along the lines in his lover's stomach, from his lower half up until he reached his now smiling lips, with eyes still closed Alexander smiled at the tickling sensation spreading fast across his body, his stomach quivered as he felt the sensation spreading across his naked belly, he chuckled softly and Matthew smiled as their eyes met.

"Hey," He whispered in the most tender tone possible, Alexander opened his eyes fully to gaze into those wicked steel blues, he remembered them changing colors the previous day, he could not have imagined that could he? Nearly everything else was starting to be hazy in his mind, he brushed the thoughts aside and he leaned forward to place a gentle kiss on the rose pressed against his lips, he breathed in the fragrant scent and sighed deeply, it almost made him dizzy.

"Hey," Alexander whispered in return and smiled as he locked gaze with his Lover. His fingers found purchase under Matthew's chin lifting him closer towards him until Matthew's lips found a home on the rose still pressed into Alexander's lip. Slowly he pulled the rose away and their lips touched for the first time that morning, it was electric. It was soft and languid, a kiss without any sort of rush or need, only a sweet and passionate exchange of breath and heat between lovers, Alexander felt his toes curl as Matthew's lips brushed against his own, he felt the slight press of his tongue and he could hear the faintest bit of moan escape his lips.

Matthew's arms snaked their way around Alexander's neck pulling him into a deep kiss, he tasted sweet. Alexander wrapped his arms around Matthew's waist, pulling him tighter against his own body until their bodies were flush together, the rise and fall of their chests moving in harmony, Alexander's kisses were hungry, demanding, but soft. Matthew kissed him back, a little deeper, a little rougher. His hips began rocking lightly against Alexander's, causing a low groan to escape his lover's mouth. Their kisses became more desperate, more passionate, Matthew felt Alexander shiver underneath him, feeling his Lover tremble under him. He was hungry for more than just their kisses. He was hungry for touch, his body craved the feeling of Matthew's skin against his own. Alexander could feel Matthew's hand running up and down his back, stroking him ever so lightly, and he shivered at the sensation. He was burning for more and more.

"Mmmmm... Matthew..." He moaned, feeling his Lover grind against him, and Matthew smiled against Alexander's lips, his hips were beginning to thrust again and he could feel a hardness growing inside of his pants, knowing exactly what he meant and what he needed to do. He removed himself from Alexander's mouth and started trailing hot kisses down his neck and collarbones, he nipped at his lover's flesh teasingly, eliciting another shuddering groan from the other man. Matthew finally reached the base of his lover's neck and sucked a hickey onto it causing a small gasp to leave Alexander's throat, his hands clenched in the fabric of Matthew's shirt tightly. He was already close. He wanted Matthew. He pulled away from his lover and leaned forward pressing feather-light kisses to his Lover's swollen lips. His hands traveled up to Alexander's shoulder blades, he placed them against his lover's bare skin and he ran his thumbs over the sharp edges of his shoulders causing another groan from him. Matthew smirked at this and continued to rub circles onto the sensitive skin until he felt Alexander's cock grow harder beneath him, a pleased chuckle left his lips.

"Let's eat, shall we?" Matthew asked in a husky voice and Alexander let out a heavy breath, as his eyes fell closed. A small whimper left his lips, his hips twitching and rubbing against Matthew. "Baby?" Matthew asked.

Alexander shook his head in disagreement, hips desperately rocking into the hardness he could feel thrusting into his own. "Make love to me, please, I can't hold it in much longer," He pleaded seductively and Matthew groaned. "Please, Mmmm, darling, make love to me," he repeated his words sounding more urgent. With one hand cupping Alexander's cheek, Matthew brought their lips back together, tongues sliding against each other, teeth biting, tasting. His other hand found its way down Alexander's back, tracing the curves of his bum and squeezing. The hunger for each other grew more intense with every stroke and pull of their hips, Matthew's kisses became sloppy, lustful, and greedy, and Alexander felt his control slipping as his Lover continued to kiss him feverishly and grind against him.

They both were hungry and needed each other desperately, they needed to touch, taste, and explore each other, every inch and every part of them. After several minutes, Matthew pulled apart and looked into his lover's eyes, they were full of lust, and desire, but also longing, wanting, begging, pleading. "I want you, please, don't stop," Alexander said in a low whisper, bringing their lips back together. Matthew kissed him deeply and passionately, he ran his hands through his lover's hair and grabbed fistfuls of it as he pulled him even closer, Alexander was moaning loudly now, his quivering hips thrusting uncontrollably into Matthew's, he was losing the last bit of control. "Ahh," He cried when he felt his Lover's fingers dip between his thighs, circling his hole as his lips latched onto his neck, sucking, biting, nibbling, making the hairs stand on ends. "Matthew," He gasped as his legs shook, and his hips bucked upwards into Matthew's hold, slowly he felt a finger slip in and an obscene moan rolled out from his throat.

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