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Chapter: 93.

(Love Story. Pt:4)

Michael reached out, cupping the lean man's cheek as he stroked the soft skin below his eye with the pad of his thumb. "Easton," he said quietly, still smiling.

The mention of his name from those sinful lips made Easton shudder, his lashes flutter and his breath hitched. "You know my name." He whispered, voice hoarse from the kiss.

Michael chuckled lowly, nuzzling into his hand. "Yeah," he replied simply, leaning forward and bringing his lips back to where they had started, pressing featherlight kisses against the other's skin, "my brother has mentioned you a lot of times. If I knew our encounter would be so magical, I would have asked to see even a picture of you sooner." Easton chuckled softly, closing his eyes and tilting his chin up slightly for better access.

"Well, I wouldn't say the same for me since you and your bother look exactly the same."

"Really?" Michael asked teasingly, smirking against Easton's lips when the latter chuckled and shook his head. "Nothing to tell us apart... Nothing at all?" His voice gentle as if hurt.

"Well, except for the way you style your hair, that is..." Easton mused and rolled his eyes playfully.

Michael laughed. "You wouldn't look away from me earlier." He confirmed. "I thought I charmed you with my handsomeness just as you beguiled me with yours."

"That was because you were staring too hard like I was an enemy and you were ready to attack."

"I was not!" He exclaimed, throwing his head back and laughing hysterically, "I just found you fascinating that's all!" He added after he calmed down and continued talking. "And my heart has never skipped for anyone until today so I was a lot shocked, to say the least."

"Your heart skipped for me?" Easton asked in surprise while smiling, a twinkle appearing in his eyes and a blush rising on his cheeks.

"I have never felt that way for anyone before in my life and it took me aback. I tried to run away but my fingers were too shaky. I couldn't start up the car or drive away so I sat there where you found me and the rest you know." Michael gazed up into the ceiling and Easton smiled brightly at his cuteness.

He was embarrassed.

While Matthew often emits an aura of dominance, Michael sends a vibe of calmness and charm. It was a unique combination.


After he had watched him turn and run he couldn't help himself as he charged after him. What he intended to do once he's caught up to him, wasn't decided yet he ran.

"What the fuck is his problem?!" He growled, glaring at Matthew, his fist clenching at his side.

Matthew looked at the hallway and sighed heavily when he spotted his brother's figure storming down the stairs with the speed of light, nearly tripping over the stairs and falling over. "I'm not sure," he replied thoughtfully. "He was fine until now." He added simply while meeting both Alexander and Tide's worried gaze.

"I'll take care of this." East returned and stormed out of the room living the three dumbfounded and confused.

He was angry until he saw the tears clouding the depths of Michael's eyes and heard his shaky voice while he apologized and tried to make sense of his emotions, everything about the man at that moment ignited a sudden flame within him and he had lost his mind and all he wanted to do was comfort the man but more intensely to kiss him and that was exactly what he did.


"I'm glad I found you." He whispered with eyes returning to greet those steel blues ones again.

"Me too," Michael murmured back with the same intensity before leaning closer once again and capturing Easton's lips into another deep kiss. It was slow and languid, tender and sensual; they both melted into one another. Michael could feel the passion and the heat building as they kissed, but neither of them cared. Neither wanted anything else, they just wanted the connection between them and their bodies to be completed.

This is what love feels like. He thought. To finally be free of any worries and fears. And it felt good. So much better than anything they had experienced before. It felt like heaven. They had been fighting for a long time to find their peace and now it seemed to have finally arrived. The last piece of the puzzle finally fits into its rightful place. Finally, they were complete...and it felt so fucking wonderful. They pulled back from the kiss slowly and savored the sweet feeling of their lips brushing against each other.

The two lovers were breathing heavily, eyes closed, lips swollen, foreheads touching as they panted lightly. When Easton opened his eyes he noticed that Michael's were also shut, a small smile tugging at his lips. Slowly, he moved one hand down from the man's arm, moving it down until their fingertips brushed each other. Without saying a word, he intertwined their hands and interwoven his fingers with Michael's effortlessly. He squeezed his hand and brought their joined hands to his chest so that his heart would stop beating faster, his breath catching. The sight in front of him was beautiful, breathtaking. There was nothing more beautiful than Michael, nothing in the whole universe could ever compare. Maybe there are little spots to tell the twins apart, you just have to look closely to notice, the little dark spot below his left eye, the scar under his lower lip, and the little green lines that crossed steel blue eyes. Easton smiled as he took in these little details. Their faces inching closer once again when suddenly...

"Coffee, anyone?"

Both Michael and Easton turned around and immediately spotted Matthew in the foyer, his brow raised and a grin plastered across his face while holding two steaming cups of coffee in his hand. Behind him were Xander and Tide both wearing identical smug little smiles on their faces.

They instantly knew they had seen enough and needed no explanation whatsoever.


Chasing Tide (A Merman's Tale And The Human Who Desired Him) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें