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Chapter: 145.

Five Years Later And Graduation Day.

Alexander stared at his reflection in the mirror. The dress shirt was tucked neatly into his pants, the black tie hanging loosely around his neck. His hair was brushed neatly but not slicked back as he did most days, a few strands falling in front of his face. It made him want to run his fingers through it, tuck it behind his ear, but that wasn't happening this time. He was graduating. No matter how many times he'd practiced this in his mind, his eyes still felt glassy. This was it. Four years ago when Matthew surprised him with the news of him getting back to school, he didn't know how to react to the news. They had just settled, Tide had left, and he was starting to get close to his daughter but none of that could compare to the fact that he was getting back to school. Matthew was making his dreams come true, one at a time, his goals coming together. He took a deep breath, looking down at his watch and seeing it was 9:00 am. They should be arriving soon. He hasn't seen them in a while, although he had insisted he went from home but Matthew had gotten him into his dream university as a teenager and it was located in a different state, far away from home and he only got to see them during holidays but today should be the last he stays away from home, from them.

One last glance at the mirror a smile graced Alexander's lips. He looked good. His friends were all waiting for him downstairs when he came down. He has made three wonderful friends in the past years and they in turn have made his university experience worthwhile. John and Lafayette were wearing a suit and tie while Alice wore a beautiful dress, her long blonde curls cascaded down her shoulders and her bright green eyes sparkled. She hugged Alexander tightly and kissed him on the cheeks, she was beaming a little too brightly. John adjusted the glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose before he and Lafayette walked over to greet him with a warm embrace then all four friends stepped out of the lobby and while in the elevator, Alexander's phone began to ring and it was his daughter.

"Hey, monkey," He called into the receiver and heard her giggling.

"Hi, Dad, we are waiting for you... when are you coming out?!" Her voice was muffled due to the crowd in the hall.

"I'm almost there, Monkey," Alexander informed her and watched as the numbers went up above the door.

"Oh, okay, I love you, Daddy!" She hung up after that.

He let out a shaky laugh and then whispered to himself. "I love you too, baby."

When they arrived, Alexander had to scan the room intently looking for his family and when he saw them at a reserved table, his breath hitched. They each had glasses filled with wine and Allison had her fingers intertwined with Matthew's while the other tapped on her phone, only her glass held water in it. Easton was smiling at something Michael said and behind them stood a few of Matthew's men, dressed in their usual black. Allison looked up in time to lock gaze with her father and immediately she sat up and waved at him Alexander let out an airy sigh and smiled softly waving back. Her action had the others staring at Alexander and once Matthew's eyes locked with his, his breath hitched low in his throat. Alexander could see clearly the fire burning deeply in those steel blue eyes.

He could see the love radiating off of those blue eyes, could see the floods of greens starting to crash against the rocks of his eyes and Alexander nearly moaned from the sight. It always drives him crazy whenever they do that, whenever he sees Tide in those eyes his body heats up and instantly he becomes sweaty, the tie around his neck suddenly feels like a noose, it feels restricting and hot. Alexander tried to fight off the feelings, but when those eyes met him like that, with so much emotion hidden in those ocean-blue irises, he couldn't hold himself. Allison quickly noticed the growing discomfort in her father's expression and she glanced over to Matthew and caught him drilling holes into her father, frowning, she pulled her intertwined hand from Matthew's and used the hand to smack him hard.

"Dad!" Allison's loud voice snapped him out of his trance and he looked over toward his little girl and gave her a small smile. "You are embarrassing him!" She pouted at him and crossed her arms.

Matthew chuckled at her words, giving a look towards Alexander who rolled his eyes and shook his head before turning away from them and focusing on the ceremony.

"I'm sorry, baby," He murmured, pulling Allison into a hug.

Allison leaned her cheek against his chest. "It's alright, Daddy." The ceremony started and they all turned their attention to it. Alexander listened and participated in what was being said but instead of taking part, he was fixated on Matthew. He was sure the other man was doing the same thing as he watched every move Alexander made with intense concentration. It was kind of distracting really. But Alexander fought through it until the ceremony ended, then he finally let out a loud sigh and rubbed his temple. Looking up to the place his eyes has lingered since the beginning even when he got awarded for his degree, a wide grin split across his face when he saw Matthew giving him the standing ovation and he couldn't help the soft chuckle that broke through his throat but now, he couldn't find those eyes amongst the sea of eyes. He searched all through the crowd but he couldn't spot Matthew anywhere and his heart dropped a little. Alexander was about to go searching for him when someone bumped into him, causing him to stumble slightly.

"Sorry!" One of the women apologized and Alexander just nodded, mumbling a quiet apology back, and then hurriedly made his way out of the room, ignoring his friends' calls and the many congratulations from his peers. He didn't want to talk to anyone right now, he just wanted to find Matthew, preferably without any interruptions. Once he made it to the elevator, his daughter's voice halted his footsteps.

"Where are you rushing off to, Daddy?!" Her voice pierced through Alexander's ears and he turned around. He looked down at her, his expression unreadable. "Daddy, is everything okay?" Allison questioned, reaching out a hand towards Alexander. Alexander took a step toward her and wrapped his arms around her. He nuzzled into her hair and closed his eyes. A warm feeling bloomed in his chest and he sighed contentedly.

"I'm fine, Monkey," He muttered into her hair and she nodded. "Where are your Daddy Michael and uncle?" Alexander asked after he parted from the embrace with his daughter but before Allison could reply he heard Easton's voice.

"Right here!"

Alexander immediately looked up hoping to find Matthew with them but was disappointed when he couldn't spot him anywhere. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion and worry.

"Where is he?!" Alexander questioned anxiously and Allison bit her bottom lip. His worry grew when he noticed the confused look on all their faces. It began to dawn on him that they too had no idea where the man had gone. "Did... you all see him leave?"

"No... We were talking about what restaurant to take you for lunch and he got up and said something about using the men's room and that was the last time we saw him." Easton hadn't even finished speaking when Alexander hurried off down the hallway toward the restrooms.

Chasing Tide (A Merman's Tale And The Human Who Desired Him) Where stories live. Discover now