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Chapter: 139.

Sat in the quietness of the huge living room, Maria's eyes wandered from place to place. The house seems quiet, too quiet, it almost seems haunted. Like Lina's ghost lingered within the cold walls, with dark eyes watching her from every corner, it didn't feel right. Maria let out a small sigh as she leaned back into her favorite armchair by the window. A light breeze blew past the window, ruffling a few strands of hair that had been pinned back by the ponytail. Her gaze drifted off once more, only this time it was focused on the picture frame sitting on the side table beside her. The image depicted an old woman standing under an archway, wearing a long green dress. She was smiling widely with wrinkles lining the corners of her eyes. She had one hand raised, and another held the wrist of a little girl who stood beside her. They both looked happy like they were having a great time. A perfect picture of what could easily pass as a grandmother spending a happy moment with her grandchild. It was strange though, the painting seemed so real, so alive. It almost felt like it was looking back at Maria, judging her actions.

"What are you looking at, huh?" She muttered, staring into Lina's eyes. "This is all your fault," She continued, her gaze piercing into that of Lina's in the painting. "You should have kept your loud mouth shut, maybe none of this would have happened, maybe you would have been here now, who knows." She spoke to the picture before letting out a huffy chuckle when she realized just how crazy she sounds talking to a picture. She took another deep breath, letting it out slowly as she calmed herself down. After calming herself down enough, she finally got up and made her way toward the picture frame. Once close, she smacked it face down into the stand and then turned around to find Michael walking into the room but he wasn't alone.

Her eyes bulged when she saw another who looked just like Michael and for a moment there she wondered if he had himself cloned but quickly shook the thoughts away when she saw the lookalike holding a man who looked very much like her ex-husband. No, on second thought, it was her ex-husband. What the fuck was happening? She screamed within herself, her mind going through a million different scenarios until her gaze fell into those of Alex. He looked different, better, healthy even. How's this possible? The last time her daughter spoke with him when she asked, Allison said he hadn't gotten a job yet and was freeloading at some friend.

Another man walked into the room quickly and was muttering something between "The asshole didn't even let me finish speaking before he hung up" and as she watched this stranger, he walked into the first man who looked like Michael and they both shared a kiss which had her even more confused, so much so she charged after them.

"I needed that, I was starting to be so angry," Easton muttered into Michael's lips and they both shared a warm smile before Michael went to reply when Maria pushed Easton away from him and very quickly slapped Michael.

"What the fuck is this?!" She snapped.

"Maria..?" Easton whispered. "Are you okay?"

"Why are you kissing him?!" Maria yelled again, ignoring Easton's question. "Why is he here?" She demanded pointing at Alexander. "And who are these people?!" She continued gesturing to Easton and Matthew.

"He is Matthew, D'Aureville, twin brother to Michael Clayton, took a different last name since he was disowned and didn't take back the family name because Matthew didn't want you to know just yet." Alexander calmly explained to his ex-wife. She looked nothing like the Maria he was once married to. She looked like she aged twice since he last saw her and it hadn't even been that long. She had bruises covering both her cheeks and he wondered where she got those from.

Being one with a good memory Maria remembered that name clearly, she knew the man instantly, he was the same she met when they were in their twenties, same university, the one who wanted Alexander then but couldn't have him because she had him at the time but with the look of things now, it looked like he finally had him and if he is Matthew then she had definitely picked the right twins which brought her to the big question, why on earth would Michael be kissing another man?! She needed an answer to that question, so much was happening at once and her brain couldn't keep up.

"And-And..." Her voice cracked trying to form the question in her mind, dreading the answer she would get. This couldn't be real. "Who is he?" She asked Michael who pulled Easton close to himself and kissed his cheek softly. "The only one my heart truly sings for," He replied with a contagious smile. "Can you believe it? Michael Clayton, in love." He chuckled, looking straight into Maria's eyes.

"Um..." She cleared her throat, finger-pointing from Alexander to Easton. Tears welled in her eyes and she reached forward to pull Michael into an embrace but Easton beat her to it, pulling Michael behind him and standing in front of him while glaring a warning into Maria's bulging wet eyes.

"I would keep my paws to myself if I were you." His low growl sent chills down Maria's spine, sending fear down her legs and she stumbled backward. She felt like she was trapped in a cage with two predators guarding her, waiting to pounce on any move she makes. Easton's action had all three men in shock as they stared at this protective yet dangerous side of the man. Although Alexander knew just how protective Easton could get around the ones he cared so much about he just hadn't seen this particular kind of protectiveness mixed with anger and hatred.

Standing good feet away Maria spoke with quivering lips and wet lids. "We had an agreement." She stuttered, staring pleadingly at Michael.

"There is no Agreement, Maria, you have been having an affair, I know all about it," Michael spoke firmly. Easton's body language went rigid as he stood in front of Michael and faced Maria, eyes burning holes in her head.

Shaking her head in denial she yelled. "If it's true then why haven't you confronted me?!"

"I was waiting for the right time, watching you run around like a mouse chasing cheese, I needed to see the end to your games, Maria!" He shouted, causing Maria to flinch.

"You lie!" She cried. "I never cheated! I would die before doing something like that, I love you." She exclaimed while wiping tears away from her tear-stained cheeks.

"And Lorenzo?" Michael charged and watched the woman drop to her knees at the mention of that name. She thought she was never going to hear that name again. "You didn't love him?" Michael asked, his words dripping with venom as he spat the name out like poison on his tongue. "Or you got tired of him just like you did with Alexander?" Maria sat on her knees, shaking her head and crying even louder, her lips muttering softly 'No, no, no' but Michael wasn't finished with her yet. "You are a real bitch, you know that Maria." He snarled, staring daggers at her. "You think I loved you? I never loved anyone but my brother my entire life and along came Lina, then Allison, but you. I didn't love you. My brother put me up into marrying your sorry ass for the sake of Alexander's daughter!" He revealed and Maria stared at Michael wide-eyed, her heart hammering hard against her chest. "You are pathetic," He added with disdain.

She felt like something was hitting her repeatedly in the gut but still putting on a brave face, she was left with this huge hole in her stomach, feeling sick, nauseous, wanting to scream, run, hide, yet frozen in place and... in the end, she just cried it out. Her heart was racing and she couldn't think beyond that very moment because her brain was in a fight or flight mode.

It almost seemed as though she was dying yet very much alive.



Maria stared blankly into Michael's eyes.

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