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Chapter: 69.

That morning, being one who could never keep a secret, he had told Easton what had transpired that morning, the other was speechless for the most part and eventually, patted him on the shoulders, hugged and kissed him on the cheeks before leaving for work without him since he was obviously waiting for Falcon.

"Maybe he has a meeting and he's taking you with him, don't think about it too much." The last words from East.

When Matthew had picked him up that afternoon, he was determined to find an opportunity to put his foot down. To understand what their relationship was? Or even better get a clearer understanding as to what he knows pertaining to the stone Easton had mentioned he wears around which he was yet to see.

"Look, I don't know what you're up to, but if you think that I'm just going to do this whenever you ask-" He ushered him into the car, shut the door, and left him to sit in silence for several moments.

The moment he got in, Alexander turned his glare on him. He didn't even flinch. "I'm going to take you sailing today."

"Well, you know what, Matt- wait, what? Sailing?"

"Put your seatbelt on." Was all he said, turning over the engine.

"You're not going to explain?"

"No." He offered him one of those smug little smiles of his.

"Okay, at least today is a Monday, I have work to do, remember?"

"Did you forget who you're riding with?" Leaning over him to reach for the buckle and strap of the safety belt. He was close enough to kiss, mere millimeters from his face, their breaths mingling. Heat coiled in Alexander's belly, one he was becoming accustomed to feeling whenever Matthew was within two feet of him.

Then, he took them away from the house, and Alexander spent the majority of the drive with his eyes glued to the window. If he took him somewhere shady, he had to know where to tell the cops they'd find his body.

They arrived at the docks not too long later. Matthew got out and for the first time, Alexander realized he was actually dressed for the occasion while he was...in a suit and tie like an idiot. At least he could have given him a heads up. It didn't make a difference to him, though, because before Alexander knew it they were leaving the car behind.

"I'll show you my boat."

His boat? "Wait, you have a boat? As in..., not a rental?"


He is, Falcon.


Of course, he wouldn't rent a boat.

"I sail," he said so matter-of-factly that he felt even more stupid for asking.

"Of course you do..." That shouldn't have even come as a surprise.

"Come on." Matthew took him by the wrist and led him away, helping him onto the deck when he sensed his nervousness.

"This is your boat?"

"Well... yacht."

"I know what it is. 114.8ft wave-piercing catamaran SPIRIT."

"You know boats?"

"My dad's kind of, how do you say...a boat enthusiast... he often crafted these wooden models by hand and showcased them in his home office, he taught me a lot about boats when I was younger, even took me out to sea on a friend's boat, taught me how to sail."

"That explains a lot." He quipped, smirking.

The last time he'd seen the docks, he'd been praying that he didn't regret the decision to leave dry land with this man, but the moment they'd hit open waters, he'd practically burst with excitement, blazer removed and tossed somewhere, first three buttons on his shirt popped loss, tie flung to the side of his shoulder blade, arms spread.

The wind whipped at every inch of him, blowing his hair up into a whirlwind of black fire whilst Matthew took care of the steering and Alexander bellowed out into the wind. He'd always thought that he could understand how it must've felt to fly, the unequivocally high that one experienced. He was experiencing it in those moments, arms spread on the bow of just about one of the sexiest yachts he had ever laid eyes on. What was more, Matthew looked like a scene straight out of a movie, dark hair whipping in the wind, sunlight reflecting on his perfect teeth and tanned skin, and those steel-blue eyes...

He should've realized it then, but he was slowly succumbing to his persuasion powers.

They cut about several times, and he took care of the sails when the winds picked up, at least pleased enough to show off what his dad had taught him even after so many years. It wasn't like he needed to impress Matthew, but if he was going to show off his yacht, then he was going to at least be on his game.

Two hours had passed before they'd returned, windswept, and Alexander's heart was still out to sea. He was sure it would take a while for him to come down from the high, but while he was still more or less walking on air, he wanted to revel.

"Hungry?" Matthew asked casually.

"Starving." He answered without thinking.

"Say no more."


Really, the entire evening was panning out to be a fantasy realized. Alexander had been dying to get back out onto the water, and now he was being taken out to dinner at one of the best seafood restaurants The Beachlands had to offer. He could barely contain himself at dinner, and he hardly felt sorry about it when they were once again back in the car and headed for their next destination. Actually, he had no clue where they were going? As he looked out the window they drove on a beautiful smooth asphalt and his eyes lingered on the enormous fence in front of him. They went down the fence as if following it to see where it ends and for some reason, he thought it had no end but soon they were pulling up in front of an equally enormous gate.

"Is this destination a surprise, too?"

"Not exactly." He said as the gate parted to reveal what was hidden behind the fence he had followed for a while... It was a freaking estate. Matthew drove further in, leaving Alexander in awe as he was too busy pressing his nose to the window to get a better look. After having driven about a 1.4-mile runway from the gate leading into the garage or should he say a museum he counted nearly thirty of what he noted to be ridiculously expensive cars before he parked.

"Holy shit," he gasped, the second he pulled the car door open for him and he got out to realize the garage stretches even deeper if his calculation served him correctly a two-story museum, his legs carried him and he walked, taken in the details of this breathtaking car heaven, the garage has a machine shop and a mechanical team to service these gorgeously beautiful babies.

There was no car he wasn't looking at, he was going to ascend the stairs to the second floor when he grabbed his wrist and pulled him back.


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