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Chapter: 64.

The moment he had parked and retrieved his overnight bag from the passenger's seat of his truck, he climbed out and breathed, what had happened in the office that morning haunted his mind endlessly, the day was a mess and there was no Easton to talk with afterward, he had thought of calling him but remembering he could be at the meeting, he decided against it. He hasn't seen a glimpse of that stone but like Easton had said the man could have it tucked underneath those tightly fitted shirts he wore like a second skin and for him to see the stone he will have to get the man naked.


He shook his head as if attempting to rid his mind of those thoughts as he proceeded to enter the gate. First, he walked to the backyard to the pool, sitting by the edge of the pool he watched the fog dance across still waters, a constant flashes of light would spread across the pool ever so often as if it were lightning during a stormy night.

Alexander kissed the ring on his finger and smiled. "I've missed you, Tide, there is this man, Matthew is his name, he is the twin brother to the man who stole my ex and daughter from me, well, not technically but I feel better when I think of him as the thief..." he let out a bitter laugh, his eyes grew moist as memory filled his thoughts. "But, this man, he sparked a certain fire within me, Tide, I have met him once when I was much younger and even then I could have sworn I felt those sparks but I was madly in love with Maria, oh, Maria is the name of my ex and my daughter's name is Allison..." he smiled then at the mention of his daughter's name this time his smile was less painful.

"Before I found you, I had met this man, coincidentally, and ever since he tends to appear when he's not wanted, I tried to push him away, I even punched him the first day I met him, thinking he was the thief who took my daughter and had hit her, Allison told me this herself, and when I learned I had fought the wrong man, I was ashamed but my pride wouldn't let me apologize." His feet unfolded and his shoes went into the pool, he felt the warm water kiss his feet as they soaked into his shoes.

"Today, I was in the office with him, you know this is all his fault, ever since Maria, you and He were the only two people who had managed to thug at my heartstrings, now with you I could feel, I understood, I shared, but with him, it's like a game, a puzzle, like I'm lost in a maze and inasmuch as I tried to find my way out I lose the fight before the thought had even manifested. With Matthew I want to run but yet I want to stay. I want to fall and yet I want to stand. I want to kiss and I want to slap him after. Is this even normal?" A stray tear escaped his eyes.

"I want to control myself whenever he's around and yet I want to fall, fall deeper than I had ever fallen before, and just let him take control over my body, heart, and soul, not thinking or having the knowledge of my own actions. He is like my freedom yet my bondage." Wiping the streams off his face he sighed.

"What's worse is I can't tell what he is thinking, he had kissed me once and confessed his love to me but now it's like he hates me, maybe I had succeeded in pushing him away and now he has closed off his heart to me...but I crave his heart, I crave his attention, his love, his kisses, his sex... am I vain for needing these things after I had made him believe I hated him... am I wrong to feel?" His voice broke into a silent sob and for a long moment, he just cried by his lover's side.

"I love you, Tide and I love him, is this my punishment for sharing my heart... Can I even love two at a time? But, what I do know is, I want him as much as I want you. I miss him as much as I miss you. I need him as much as I need you..." wiping his face again, he forced a smile. "Please, wake up soon, he has a stone around his neck, I am trying to learn more about this stone but in order to do that I will have to see the stone for myself then I can inquire about them, something keeps telling me from the night you kissed me that Matthew feels more like a Mer just like you, Tide, do you also think he's connected to Aquarial, is this why you found me?" Getting his feet out of the water he went on his knees, with one hand pressed to his mouth, he sent a kiss to his sleeping lover.

"Either way, I will find a way and an answer to all our questions." Turning to walk into the house he found Easton standing there, wet eyes and a frown sitting on his face, with arms spread open, inviting him in, Alexander dropped his overnight bag and ran into his arms. Easton hugged him tightly, kissing his hair repeatedly and rocking him easily into his embrace.

Both friends stayed that way for a while, comforting each other in a warm embrace.

"There are no rules in love, Xander, and for that everything happens and unfortunately we suffer... it breaks my heart whenever I see you so open, so vulnerable... but you must remain strong, remember love must be conquered but it takes time and dedication, think of all the years he had waited for you, loved you, chased after you, I will tell you what he told me the day he called me into his office, the day you both kissed... He told me, he had made his brother marry Maria because he wanted your daughter to be in good hands as well as have a good life, he wanted Allison to be where he could keep a close eye on her, to take care of her."

"Maria's marriage to Michael was all his plan. Michael, who is a renowned playboy who doesn't believe in love, yet he stayed married to Maria, playing the part, all because of Matthew. Jacob told me this. And it was all for you, you're a debt-free man today because he cleared it all, he did so many things for you, Xander even when you had no idea of them. He's dedicated his life, time, and resources, for you, sacrificed so much, not once has his love for you wavered since the first day he set his eyes on you... he respected what you had with Maria, he didn't stay away because of Maria but he stayed away because he saw how genuinely you loved her, he wanted you to be happy, even if it meant sacrificing his. He would give anything up for you, Xander. He listens to you even when you're not speaking. Alexander, you are Matthew's bane."

Alexander bawled into their hug, gripping tightly to his best friend's shirt, soiling it with his tears as they smeared all over his shirt.

"I don't know what your fate is with these Beings but one thing is certain, they were both meant to love you, endlessly, unconditionally, regardless, and you were meant to be where you are today." He kissed his hair again and sniffled. "Give Matthew some time, he will come around, don't punish yourself too hard, no matter what happens, he will always love you, just as the merman who sleeps in our pool loves you."

"Thank you, East." He whispered. "Thank you so much!" Life without Easton would be an impossible life, his love for this man knows no bounds. "I love you, man!" He clasped his hands even tighter and smiled when he felt the other return the motion.

"Right back at you." He chuckled. "Come on, I bought Chinese takeout, let's have some dinner." They separated and he allowed East to lead him into the house.


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