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Chapter: 122.

Matthew laughed quietly and hugged Alexander tighter, closing his eyes for a few moments, he didn't want to move just yet because his body was still sore and he wasn't sure if he could walk without cramping, maybe a few minutes of rest would do the trick. When both lover's opened their eyes it was to starvation. Alexander scrambled out of the bed and fell twice on his way to the set table, while Matthew fought to settle his leg muscles as he too raced toward the table, each giggling like little kids as they neared the table. Alexander grabbed a mug and pressed it into chapped lips, he drank the cold coffee greedily and groaned with eyes closed. Once he had finished the coffee he met Matthew's eyes and smiled.

"The coffee is cold..." He muttered between giggles and shrugged then reached for a tartine next.

Matthew laughed and shook his head while nursing his own cold coffee. "Would you like me to get DuBois to heat them all up and perhaps make us something else?" He asked, teasingly.

"Are you kidding! I would die if I didn't fuel the tank this very instant." Both men chuckled and ate their cold breakfast turned brunch between chats and chuckles.

After eating, Matthew looked toward the contented Alexander who was lying face up on the flushed rug, a grin tugged at the corner of his lips, he looked so peaceful it made his heart beat faster. "Are you sore?" He asked worriedly and Alexander exhaled and propped himself up so he would meet his gaze.

"A little," he answered truthfully. "But, nothing a warm soothing bath won't fix." He eyed Matthew who took that as the key to get up and march toward the bathroom to prepare their bath, Alexander laughed and fell back into the rug, shutting his eyes. A few seconds later Matthew was yelling for him to get into the bathroom, Alexander crawled his way to the bathroom and paused at the door where Matthew found and picked him up then carried him into the bathroom and very gently laid him into the bubble bath while climbing in next to him.

The bath was soothing just like Alexander had said and once they were finished, Matthew dried them up with a towel and wrapped another around Alexander's waist, he did the same for himself then once again carried him bridal style out of the bathroom and into their bedroom where they found to their shook and surprise the angry glare of Easton while Michael was nursing one of the croissant and was looking nonchalantly towards them. Matthew eyed him wickedly and his twin smirked and grumbled.

"Oh, don't look at me like that brother, you should have given him a call to let him know you'll be stealing his bestfriend." He muttered with full mouth while Matthew let out a frustrated yet guilty growl.

"I sincerely apologize," He started as he gently put Alexander back on his feet and came to stand in front of him, shielding him from the angry scowl burning from Easton's gaze. "Please, punish me and not him, its entirely my fault." He pleaded but Easton ignored him and rather approached both men, with ease he shoved Matthew away and pulled Alexander into a warm embrace, Alexander breathed a sigh of relief and hugged his best friend back.

After they separated Easton smiled grandly into Alexander's eyes and muttered. "I love you."

Alexander blinked wetness away from his eyes and returned. "And I you."

Matthew watched from the sidelines and sighed quietly. "I really hate you sometimes..."

Easton snorted and pulled away from Alexander, looking at him fondly before turning to smile at Matthew. "What did I ever do to deserve your wrath?" He asked, feigning innocence and confusion.

Matthew gave him a playful scowl. "You stole a part of my lover's heart, you absolute bastard." He said with a laugh.

Easton grinned and raised his hands in surrender. "Alright alright, I give! You can have him back, have it all back, you're welcome!" He declared, giving Matthew a wide smile, he looked so proud of himself as he walked over to sit beside Michael, leaving the lover to go into their walk-in closet and get themselves ready for the day's activities.

"I seriously thought you were about to give my brother a hard time, I was expecting that." Michael whispered with a wink to Easton who smacked him playfully across the head.

"Ow! What was that for?!" Michael complained and rubbed his head, Easton huffed and crossed his arms over his chest. "I'm sorry." Michael pouted and a burst of loud laughter erupted from Easton.

"You're killing me!" Easton muttered between laughs.

"No, you are killing me." Michael agured and kissed him quickly on the cheeks.

Unbeknownst to them they had just shared the exact words the others had spoken after their tryst but Matthew and Alexander heard and they wouldn't keep the smile taking over their expression.

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