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Chapter: 118.

"Right. That's it... we are playing a game."

"Games? Interesting. What kind of game?" Easton leans back against the blanket and rests his head against his palm with a slight smile curling his lips.

"I knew from the moment I first laid eyes on you that you were going to keep me on my toes."

"Go on then, give me a taster of this epic game of yours," Easton demanded innocently. "Let us discover what you can dish out."

The man smirks. "Ok," Michael responds amused, and takes a sip. "Here goes nothing... First question: who taught you to dance?"

Eaton giggles. "Well, I did learn a lot of lessons from my father."

"How many lessons was he giving you?"

"A hundred or two maybe. I lost count after the third time." Both men let out a burst of comforting laughter.

"Well, I never learned anything from my father, if anything I was his enemy, I don't blame him I would be my own enemy if I did what I did to my folks."

"Tyrant," Easton muttered under his breath and Michael smacked him slightly across the shoulder. "I suppose I'm taking the next turn?"


"At what age did you have your first kiss?"

Without giving it a second thought Michael echoed. "Twelve, I did more than a kiss, but let's not get into the details." Easton gawked at the man but shrugged it over. "What about you, East?" He asked and began to top up their wine glass.

"Is that your next turn?"

"No, just out of curiosity."

"I um... twenty-five-ish." Grabbing his wine glass Easton downed the entire content.

"Whoa, easy there, kitten, you'll get yourself drunk." Michael laughed and topped up his glass. Easton grabbed the glass and placed it in his mouth. "What about sex?" Easton choked, spitting wine from his mouth and coughing. Michael watched in amusement as he coughed loudly, wiping his mouth with the back of his sleeve. He grinned proudly. "You weren't expecting that?" Easton hiccupped and glared at him, trying to ignore the burning blush on his face. After composing himself, he grumpily replied.

"I...I," he cleared his throat and gave up trying to form any proper words. Michael's smile turned into a full grin and his eyes crinkled slightly. Easton groaned, annoyed but also embarrassed at himself. "Ugh, fine. No, never..." He sighed in defeat.

Michael's eyes bulged as he met the other man's burning face. "You've never?"

"Never! It's not like it is a big deal or anything!" He tried to argue and failed miserably.

"I suppose it is not, but why? If I am allowed to ask."

"I have never experienced such attractions or want to pursue sexual relationships with anyone. I do enjoy the physical attractions, I like to touch, cuddle, and kiss not too often but I haven't gone beyond that."

"Are you sex repulsed?"

"No, not at all, look, I feel a very deep connection to you, Michael, I want to grow this connection, I would love to experience so much more with you but..."

"It shouldn't have to be forced or rushed. I get that and trust me, I feel deeply for you too, Easton, I never experienced what I did for you with anyone in my entire life, and believe me, I have been with tons of people, not romantically, not even close, I am the kind of guy who doesn't even get into the sheets but with you, I want more, I want to experience everything with you just like the first kiss we shared, it sparked a fire and by the gods I want them to burn forever if forever is a thing."

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