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Chapter: 94.

Both twins sat in silence as they drove home. After the day that they had, neither of them really wanted to talk much. They were both still trying to process everything that happened, Michael especially. The younger twin looked out the window and sighed heavily. He wasn't exactly sure what he was thinking at that moment. His mind was still going a mile a minute. He still could not wrap his head around what had happened to him. These emotions were all too new and he couldn't process them any other way. His heart felt heavy and suddenly he was missing the man like he would die if he didn't see him again and he had only just left him.

"You ok?" The older twin asked, not taking his eyes off the road as they approach the gate.

Michael exhaled then brushed his hands over his face tiredly. He glanced over at his brother briefly. "Yeah, I think so. Just... a lot on my mind I guess," He replied with a shrug. The older twin nodded and turned into the opened gate.

Michael got out of the car first followed by his brother who left the vehicle in the care of one of his men already standing in wait by the driveway. Both brothers walked the short distance to the house. The doors were pulled apart for them and they walked into the magnificent foyer. Workers bowed to both men as they proceeded to enter the living room and took their seats.

The Butler approached them with two maids by his hand each holding a glass filled with water. "I'm sorry but Chef Tyler has asked me to tell you that dinner will be served shortly." He said as both brothers took their waters from the maids. With that said the Butler retreated into the kitchen. Once they were alone the twins began to speak again.

"I see the workers have returned," Michael remarked looking down at his drink which contained more ice than water.

The other twin nodded and sipped his water. "I had to give them all a short break since Alexander isn't all keen on the lifestyle." He explained while putting his now empty glass down on the table. A maid was picking it up as soon as it touched the glass.

Michael looked up from his now empty glass and raised his eyebrows slightly at his brother. "Well, if he's going to be with you for a long time he has to get used to the lifestyle, you wouldn't send the workers home each time he visits now would you?" He responded sarcastically causing his brother to laugh loudly. Michael rolled his eyes playfully. "Like what happened today, we drove ourselves without any guards, it's not safe for you, don't act so recklessly."

"Look who's talking," Matthew scoffed. "You agreed to follow me, was it safe for you?"

"You're my twin, I would follow you even into hell, for next time's sake, please, take someone with you."

"Alexander doesn't like seeing them around me."

"This is about your safety, brother, Alexander has to understand that, and look what happened today, if we had the driver at least with us, I would have left there long before he came to find me..." Michael's voice trailed off to the thoughts of the man he was trying to forget. "Please, you need to fix the arrangement." He finished then cleared his throat nervously.

His brother sighed loudly leaning back in his chair. "I know and I will." He grumbled softly, his gaze shifting to meet his brother's. "So, wanna talk about Easton?" He questioned changing the subject.

At this, his twin let his head fall onto the armrest of the sofa dramatically. "There is nothing to talk about," Michael murmured as he moved his eyes away from his sibling and stared out across the room at a painting above the mantel.

Matthew chuckled lightly to himself and shook his head, "Never thought I would see the day." He teased, causing his brother to look at him with an annoyed expression.

"What do you mean?" Michael asked, raising his eyebrow in confusion. "See what day, huh?" He grumbled again.

"That my brother would fall head over heels." He answered honestly, causing his brother to roll his eyes. He looked at his phone to check the time and realized it was almost time for dinner. Standing he gave his brother a small smile before turning toward his left and walking through the large foyer, past the large staircase, and into the dining room. Michael wasn't far from behind him. They both took their seats and watched as their dinner got served to them. Once the maids had cleared the dining room the Butler as always stood just at the corner waiting.

Their meal consisted mainly of salads and various meats. The younger twin took small bites of every piece of food he was given and pushed the vegetables around his plate. It seemed that Matthew noticed this as he kept glancing at Michael who refused to look up from his plate.

Michael felt the stare and looked up to meet his brother's gaze which caused him to avert his eyes. "Stop staring at me." He grumbled quietly under his breath, causing Matthew to chuckle.

"It's just love, brother, why do you act as if someone died?"

"My heart died."

"No, your heart lives."

"I didn't know a heart could beat so fast, I thought I was having a heart attack!"

Matthew laughed at the sincerity in his voice. "I'm glad you have a heart that still works."

"I don't know, this all seems too new, it's giving me weird fuzzy feelings. I can't seem to explain."

"Take your time." Matthew smiled and they didn't say any more words as they ate in silence. After dinner, they both retired to the lounge to relax. Michael settled into the couch while Matthew made himself comfortable on the loveseat beside it. The Butler returned with their favorite bottle of malt scotch whisky and two glasses, having poured for each man, he switched the lights into a more soothing color and turned on soft music in the background, then bowed and spoke up.

"Mr. Edmund Blackadder is waiting in the visitors' lounge, should I send him in?" He questioned as his gaze lingered on Matthew for a moment before he turned to Michael.

Michael took a sip of his drink, savoring it for a while in his mouth, and swallowed before answering. "Please send him in, Merci, DuBois." The man nodded before turning and exiting the room, closing the door gently behind him. Matthew watched Michael take another long sip of Glen Ord and smiled, he was desperately trying to rid his thoughts of Easton.

Sorry brother, no amount of whisky could cure this one. The thought almost had him sniggering to himself.

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