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Chapter: 56.

"Forgive me, brother, I will be with you shortly." He replied with a smile while ending the call and quickly dialing for his subordinate. "Yes, Hamza, get the men ready and the driver as well, we are going to the club?" he spoke fast and dropped the phone, shoving his legs into his pants.

Michael groaned as he came down the last flight of stairs, eyes glancing over to his wrist watch to catch the time. Barely a few seconds past four, his frown deepened as he stepped into the living room, he grinned at the elderly woman that walked up to greet him. She nodded towards the living room which seemed filled with many high-pitched giggles. Ones that surely stemmed from ill-willed gossip. Michael exhaled and nodded in understanding. Of course, Maria was home and so were her friends.

"Thank you, Lina, it's nothing out of the ordinary with her," he spoke calmly to the woman to help ease her mind but she seemed a little unconvinced as she still stalled in front of him. "Anything else?" he demanded when he noticed she wasn't leaving.

"She brought over quite a few friends this time," the woman said with an annoyed face. "I watched her take your credit card to go to the mall earlier, I hope she consulted with you first?"

"She didn't, but that's fine. How many ladies this time?" Michael asked with a small smile, he loved how she always goes out of her way to worry about him. Since he left home, he had picked up the elderly woman and she had served as well as helped him in times of need like a mother she stood by him when sick, and her support has been one he lived with for years, even when Maria first arrived they didn't get along well and she had wanted that he fired the woman but her words weren't strong enough and he wouldn't let her go for anything.

"Around nine...each with a new bag and I saw some jewels too, diamonds I think." The elderly woman sighed and gave Michael a knowing look. "My dear boy, Michael, I have watched over this house since your brother bought it for you and you brought me home. I remembered when you first picked me up from the Homes, you saw a lonely woman abandoned by her family and you didn't want that, you visit me nearly every week and soon everyone thought you were my son, once they couldn't keep me anymore you took me home with you, first, we lived and managed in your two-bedroom apartment until your brother found you." She paused to watch the sad lines cross his face. "Sorry if I speak out of turn but this wife of yours concerns me. She worries me with how she spends your money and did you know she quit working, I saw her drinking yesterday and she is supposed to be with your child!"

"I understand, Lina, Maria is fine, she just likes to splurge sometimes and she can get whatever she wants it's not like we don't have the funds."

"I know... that's what you always say, the same thing all the time," she grumbled under her breath but decided to let it go. "Just be careful, love, and she needs to think of the baby as well she can't be drinking when pregnant." She moved aside as Michael made his way to the living room to see what the fuss was about. He stood there staring blankly over the living room, which was covered in tissue paper, bags, and ribbons. Not to mention the many clothes, shoes, and jewels being passed around. Maria was sitting in the center of the couch, surrounded by her friends. It looked as if there was a party going on but it was just Maria doing everything you could imagine. Makeup, flashing their new items at one another, taking selfies. It was enough to make Michael roll his eyes. Where is his daughter in all this chaos? He wondered as he looked around for her.

"She had a play party with the daughters of these women so Maria asked Robert to drive them to any place of their choice," Lina informed him as if she had just read his mind.

"Thank you, Lina," he smiled down at the little woman before returning his gaze to Maria and her party. "Hello, baby." he more so breathed out than said. Maria looked over her shoulder and gave him her biggest smile. He walked over and kissed her cheek and her lips. She hummed and giggled into the kiss and pulled away grinning at her friends, who were all wearing pouts due to their display of affection.

"Isn't he the sweetest thing?" Maria sang as she turned to face him completely. "Where are you off to, baby?" she asked as she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly. Michael returned the hug with a half-smile. It's not like she didn't do this without company, but she was more affectionate with her friends around. Sometimes unbearably so.

"Got a call for a brief meeting." He answered. "Girl's day out, huh?" he asked as he gestured to the mess that the maids would more than likely be cleaning up soon.

"Yes! We are celebrating my baby, I told you he is going to be a boy!" The women around aww'd and continued to go through their things.

Michael didn't see a single baby item present and I didn't understand how knowing their child's gender is the reason for whatever she was doing and in all honesty, he didn't bother to know. "That's great, love." he chuckled softly. "Seems like you won this time." He smiled and kissed her on the forehead. "I'm heading out now, be back soon. Don't let me get in the way of your fun."

"Thank you, baby!" she waved as he walked away. Once in his car, he picked up his phone and dialed his daughter.

Chasing Tide (A Merman's Tale And The Human Who Desired Him) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora