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Chapter: 138.

Michael put his phone away just in time to see the bearded handsome face of the young doctor he's come to love over the years since his brother introduced both of them. Easton stood a few feet away from him refusing to sit just like Alexander and Tide were. Allison has been taken away by two of the nurses and was now sound asleep in a room guarded by Matthew's men. Once the doctor got close enough Michael smiled so brightly it drove a frown upon Easton's face.

"Sir, Beard." He greeted the doctor as usual. They didn't get to exchange pleasantries when they arrived as he was more concerned with taking care of his dear friend.

"Playboy," Kent snorted, the name rolling off his tongue naturally.

"Hey, Doc..." Michael said with a frown. "...Easy now, not in front of my man, that name gives the wrong impression to the ladies and the men." Michael finished playfully with an innocent smile and Easton rolled his eyes at his ridiculous comeback.

Ignoring him then, Kent moved away from his side to go greet Easton who is now standing properly to confront the approaching man who was being too friendly with Michael. He wasn't jealous. It's just, it's not every day you see both twins being friendly with anyone that isn't each other.

"Hi," He greeted first and took the hand stretched out to him.

"So glad to finally meet you, East," He replied with a broad smile and they shook hands. Michael had shown him a photo the last time they hung out at the Casino, he never believed his ears when Matthew told him his brother fell in love and he couldn't wait to meet the special man who struck an arrow into plate armor. "I'm Kennedy Kent Kennedy, KKK, my father is obsessed," He introduced and they both laughed.

"Easton Nurth, but with a 'u' and I think my mother was obsessed too." Easton returned and as both men exchanged greetings Michael stood there beaming from ear to ear.

"Here, I have a wonderful proposal that I have been wanting to share with you since Matthew told me that his reckless asshole twin has found a poor innocent victim," Kent said with a grunt directed at Michael who frowned.

"Hey, I'm standing right here." He scoffed.

"I am all ears," Easton muttered, putting a hand around the other man's shoulders and drawing him closer.

"So, I have a brother, Diamond, thirty-two, brown-skinned, brown hair, sexy, 5 '10, smart, has his own company, now, while I inherited this hospital from my Father immediately after I graduated, he single-handedly built his company from scratch. Got his Master's in Engineering, single, faithful and would make a perfect match for someone like you, ignore this fool, he is a lover to no one." Kent proposed and Michael could feel the blood draining rapidly from his face.

"Hey!" He yelled, surprised. "I'm still standing right here," He cried, turning toward Alexander and Tide he asked again. "You both see me right?!" But both Tide and Alexander shook their heads negatively which made his eyes bulge even wider. Had he suddenly gone invisible? How can Kent be doing this to him with a straight face too? He's a changed man.

"You know, that is not a bad proposal..." Easton started but paused when he heard Michael cry a loud "Hey!" He looked so broken so afraid it almost broke Easton out of character there for a moment before he proceeded to address the doctor. "...But, I've got this one grounded for life." He winked at Michael and immediately laughed when he saw the wave of happiness flooding his devil face. "He's not going anywhere, I can assure you, well, unless I get tired of his ass and dump him." Easton finished and Kent chuckled.

"I like this one..." He said to Michael who was now beaming brightly like the sun. "He's a keeper."

"I know," He replied proudly. "How is my brother?" He asked, moving the conversation to a more serious matter.

"He is fine and awake, I pulled a little beauty from his wound. Who shot him?" Kent asked, with a frown.

"Lorenzo, It's a long story but he plotted with Maria to have Allison kidnapped," Michael replied immediately, his gaze kept on Tide who approved of his reply.

"Bastard," Kent seethed. "Has he been apprehended?" He questioned.

"Yes, he's being brought to the precinct now, I'm sure." He told him and Kent nodded approvingly. 

"And Maria?"

"I'll take care of her," Michael said in such a way it had both East and Kent raising a brow but none bothered to ask further questions. "Can we see him?" He asked, Kent nodded and walked while they followed.


Matthew sat up slowly when he saw the crowd walking into his room, with all five men present in the room it felt crowded and he couldn't help the smile that tugged at his lips. "Didn't realize how loved I am." He teased and they laughed. Alexander approached him and threw his arms around the man who managed a warm hug himself. "Hey, baby." He muttered.

"Hey, you scared me," Alexander whispered back. 

"I'm sorry," Matthew replied, eyes seeking those of the merman. "Are you hurt?" He asked and the merman looked down at his healed chest before replying.

"Not anymore."

Matthew nodded with a faint smile. The rest of his thoughts settled within him as Tide shared a knowing glance with his Half. Alexander pulled away from the hug and met Matthew's eyes.

"Tide rescued Allie, I think he got shot and you somehow took the bullet for him," Alexander said without realizing what he's just let out but both Tide and Matthew stared at him so intensely as if he had grown two heads.

"I'll be in my office, I have work to do," Kent informed and began to leave the room.

"Baby?" Tide started, coming closer to Alexander who turned to meet his gaze. "Why do you think I got shot and he took the bullet?" He sat beside him. He hopes someday he remembers. Remembers them, their lives in Aquarial, everything, he longed for that day even.

"I often get this feeling that you are him and he is you," He said, pointing from Merman to Man. "It's weird, I can't seem to make any more connection than that but when I'm with him I can feel you within and when I am with you I feel him within, it's too confusing, often his eyes become yours and it makes me restless but I could never place any of it so I decided not to think about it anymore because each time I try to think deeper than that I get this massive headache that feels like my brain would explode from inside my head, its painful," Alexander told them truthfully. Although he has felt this way since Tide came into his life, he just couldn't place it completely. Sometimes, it would feel as though he knew him, knew them, better than his fragile brain could remember, and other times they are these strangers who happened to surface in his life at the same time.

In both Tide's and Matthew's minds, the warning from Naga played. "Should he be forced into remembering, it will result in death and he will die" and with that warning and how Alexander said he feels each time he tries to remember more, both Man and Merman knew they were hopeless, as much as they want him to remember, just as they have gotten the knowledge of everything from beginning until now, they still can not bring themselves to cause him any harm by forcing him down that road, they have sacrificed so much to have him come back to them and it would be foolish if they let him die, this time out of their greed.

"That's alright, baby, don't think about it." Both man and Merman reassured him at the same time and he laughed.

"Okay, twin." Alexander shook his head with a chuckle. "I love you both." He muttered and they nodded.

"We know." They replied together again. Tide knew it was time he left. Staying would only put the life of their lover in danger. He is most inclined to feel with him around.

"When can you go home?" Michael asked.

"I'm ready to leave right now." He replied and they all nodded. "Let's go home and put Maria's situation to a standstill, she's had enough play time," Matthew replied, sharing a gaze with his brother.

"Damn right she has." Alexander agreed.

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