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Chapter: 98.

Falcon was leaning against his desk facing the door when Alexander stumbled into the office, clutching the gift bag with both hands. Once he came face to face with the other man he halt in his track and just stood there, watching the grin on the other's face. It was a very dark grin he was wearing, one that sent Alexander's mind wandering into very forbidden places.

"Come here," Matthew said in that tone, like a command, that made goosebumps bloom on his skin. The way the other man stepped forward was slow, but as he closed the distance between them, all of his thoughts flew out the window. His eyes went wide, mouth hanging open slightly as they locked onto those steel blue orbs and he couldn't take his eyes off. The other looked absolutely stunning in his suit; it fit his body perfectly, accentuating the muscles tightly. Nature is unfair. How can a man be that sexy, it's not right. Each time he saw him it would feel as though he was only seeing him for the first time. It mesmerizes him and takes his breath away as Tide would.


That's right.

Why does it always feel like whenever he is in the presence of this man that Tide is watching him right through those steel blue orbs, driving him further into insanity with these surges of profound yearnings.

What is the connection between this man and his Merman?

"Alexander?" The sound of his name coming from the waiting man sounded like a warning he had to pull his head away from the swirling thoughts and look up to greet those steel blues once again.

Having gotten his attention from his wandering thoughts, Matthew proceeded to go seat in a chair and gestured that he followed. Alexander approached the man and stood in front of him while he took his seat.

"Get on your knees." He ordered and Alexander felt his cheeks heat up immediately, they burn. That voice was sinful, everything about this man is wrong, captivating, and even more so because he knew how much effect he had on him. Whenever he was there, right in front of him, he lost control over his body, heart, even his own thoughts wouldn't belong to him anymore. They'll be clouded with just the thought of this one man. How's any of this right?

"Wha—why do you want me to kneel?" He asked, trying to keep his voice steady, but it was anything but.

He was a mess.

Matthew smirked at him, "Kneel." He repeated. The words were spoken so casually, so nonchalantly, yet Alexander could hear the underlying meaning behind them. He swallowed hard, his throat suddenly dry. He didn't know why but there was something about having this man looking at him with such an intense gaze like that. There was something commanding inside of him that compelled him to obey without any hesitation. He didn't need to hear the explicit instructions; it felt as though his brain was supplying him with the answers as he knelt, hands gripping the sides of the gift bag to stop himself from trembling. Without another thought to it, he did as asked and laid himself down on his knees.

A few seconds passed before Matthew spoke up once more. "That's better." Matthew husked with a deep tone that was sending shivers down his spine, making his blood rush to his groin. Alexander felt himself tense when those hands reached to cup his face, pulling him closer until their foreheads touched. Those fingers stroking softly against his jawline felt so good it drove a whimper from within his throat, embarrassed, he looked away quickly and clamped his eyes shut. "Now," He continued and pulled the bag out from his death grip.

Alexander let the bag go but didn't open his eyes still. Pulling the collar out first, Matthew stroked the jewels around it. This was made specifically for his lover, one would easily consider it a Cuban diamond chain when seen, and he had wanted something this perfect because once he laid it upon Alexander's neck, he wouldn't want him taking it off ever again. "Open your eyes." He whispered. "Look at me." Alexander slowly opened his eyes and his lips parted as he stared at the familiar collar. It really was beautiful as he saw it for the second time, the diamonds glimmering like stars as they reflected the lights of the room in such a way that Alexander never noticed before.

He watched closely as Matthew's tongue snaked out and slowly licked the collar and he tilted his head forward so the man could have the jewel around his neck. Fully displayed.  Matthew leaned in and Alexander whimpered when he felt his tongue circling his neck. He watched with held breath as his tongue traced the length of the necklace and he bit his lip in order to contain a moan of ecstasy that wanted to escape from him. When his tongue finally left his neck and he looked back at Alexander, he could tell his heart stopped beating for a moment. The man's expression had changed; his expression was soft, his eyelashes casting shadows over his eyes as he looked at him tenderly. There was no longer only lust but trust and love, pure love radiating from his eyes.

"It suits you," Matthew whispered after a few minutes of staring at each other. He ran his thumb lightly across the man's cheek as Alexander's eyes fluttered shut.

"Thank you." Was all he managed to say. It seemed to come naturally to him as if his whole being was begging for that touch and all he could think about was how he wanted to reach out and hold his hand. But he couldn't, he didn't dare. He wasn't sure he could trust himself and he was afraid to show too much vulnerability. Too much emotion. So instead he gave himself one last longing glance before turning away, closing his eyes tightly. His face felt hot, a flush spreading all over his chest.

Matthew could read through him and he smiled at the effort he was putting to restrain himself. "Alexander, you don't need to hold back from me, let yourself go, however you want, I'll be here to catch you." He murmured. Alexander turned his head towards Matthew, feeling his heartbeat quicken when he looked into those sea green eyes.

"I..." He started to say but trailed off. His eyes changed. Now, it didn't look like the steel blues he's grown familiar with; rather, they looked more like he was staring into the eyes of his Merman.

Maybe he's just seeing things.

He has been thinking about Tide way too much now he thinks he's seeing things.

The thoughts hadn't even left the worried man's mind when he felt a sudden tug on his arm. By the time he recovered enough to react, Matthew had pushed him into the desk and forced him to sit on it. Still standing, Matthew locked his hand on top of Alexander's so he stayed flat and immovable on the desk. He stepped forward, forcing Alexander's legs apart with his hips so he could press against him.

Office supplies clatter to the floor. Computer monitors are nudged to the very edge of the desk; a quick look around confirms he has a few choices to keep him from moving. Since he had acted without thinking, he hadn't taken the cuffs out of the bag and he didn't want to let him go so he went for the next available thing. Grabbing the computer cords, Matthew tied it fast around Alexander's wrist and another around his ankles. He had no choice but to sit perched on the desk, bound and waiting. Matthew raised his hand and Alexander braced himself, expecting him to strike and Matthew heard the sharp intake of hopeful breath but Matthew didn't strike, he went for something he wasn't expecting instead. He closed a hand around Alexander's throat firmly. His mouth opens involuntarily and he looked directly into his wild, wide eyes before moving his lips to Alexander's neck.

Alexander moaned. Matthew pushed him flat on his back and climbed over him, using one hand to hold his tied-up wrists. "Who said you are allowed to think about other things when you're with me like this?" He breathed hotly into his ear with a growl before trailing kisses along his collarbones.

Alexander gasped loudly at the feathery touches of his lover against him, arching his body up into the touch. But, he didn't give any response to his question. He bit into his lower lip and shook his head instead. "Still misbehaving?" Matthew growled lowly into the shell of his ear. And then he began sucking. Hard. Alexander's eyes rolled back into his head as the sensations overwhelmed him. Matthew smiled at his stubbornness, he clamped tightly on his throat while digging his nails into his wrists, Matthew pulled his arms up over his head until Alexander was stretched uncomfortably tall. He asked again but all Alexander did was moan and writhe against him.

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