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Chapter: 27.

He waited until a knock came and Sally appeared at the door.

"Shall we?" She asked and Alexander stood up and made his way to the door.

"Thank you, Mrs. Luciana." He appreciated, he had noticed the wedding band on her ring finger when they exchanged handshakes. She smiled towards him and he nodded before leaving the office. "She seems nice." He breathed out once outside the door.

"She's not, don't get swindled by her gentle voice. She gives us all a hard time around here, and get this if the Team Leader hadn't referred as well as signed a form in your place, you probably wouldn't have gotten the job," Sally informed.

"Wow, I could have sworn, she is peaceful."

"Give it three days." She assured and he sighed.

"Well, at least, I finally got a job, I hope you give her good reports about me when the two weeks elapse."

"Of course, you seem like a nice person and any friend of Mr. Easton is a friend of mine." She smiled grandly at him and he nodded with a slight chuckle.

"You're a nice little lady yourself, Sally-" the rest of his words vanished when he spotted that all too familiar figure, walking majestically towards them. The man was crowded by employees in costly suits, some throwing questions, others handing him documents to sign to which he tended to all the while walking. His legs suddenly grew heavy, he couldn't move, couldn't breathe, his eyes fixated on that approaching figure.

Has he always looked that sexy?

He couldn't help but wonder.

"Oh, my God, it's him."

He thought he heard Sally gasp but he wasn't paying attention. Had she even spoken, he wasn't even sure.

"We have to hurry before they get to us." She blurted and again he didn't hear anything.

Lost in the glorious sight, his heart pumped rapidly in his chest. A mixture of emotions, anger, frustration, confusion, lust. It drove his senses into overdrive. Had he not warned that he stayed clear of his part? Why does he seem to appear everywhere he goes? And why, just why, can't he seem to control his emotions whenever he sees him.

This is wrong.

Oh, so very wrong.

"Mr. Alex?!" She called, coming to stand in front of the man who had suddenly become a sculpture. Snapping her fingers in his face a few times she sighed heavily. "Now is not the time for man-crushing, please, snap out of it." She begged. "I don't want to get fired." She was in near tears.

Once the voice got a little louder, Sally dodged into a nearby office, abandoning Alexander still standing there.

He wasn't responding.

Like he had gone into a state of shock.

Wandering eyes found the still man and he charged towards him, determination in each prominent step he took. Alexander admired the way his muscles flexed in that overly expensive suit clinging to his body like a second skin, those sharp burning blue eyes, drilling holes into him, his large hands swinging with each stride.

Chasing Tide (A Merman's Tale And The Human Who Desired Him) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt