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Chapter: 82.

“Who?” Alexander asked. "Who can have it?"

Matthew looked at Alexander for a long moment before answering, “A Tideian." Alexander nodded, waiting for further explanation but Matthew remained quiet for a long time. Finally, he sighed, “Are you alright Alexander?”

“Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.” Alexander insisted quickly. “You know what, No, I'm not alright," he added just immediately.


"You know what a Tideian is?"

"I do, yes. my grandmother told me a lot about the Merfolk."

"So, you believed my story when I told you about finding a Merman?"

"I did."

"Why didn't you say anything?" Alexander was angry.

"I didn't know what to say."

"Are you kidding me?!" Alexander combed his fingers into his hair and paced the room.

"Tide is sick! He needs help and you have answers to that help and chose to stay silent?!"

 "What would you have me do?"

"What would I have you do?!"

"Yes!" Matthew's voice was raised. "Look, ever since I got this pendant, I have never seen or heard anyone talk about the Merfolk so forgive me if I didn't get curious." 

"How could you not have been curious?!" Alexander shouted, turning to stare at Matthew in disbelief. "For the first time you heard someone talk about the Merfolk and you have had their stories all your life and you claim you weren't curious?"

"And why would that matter, Alexander?"

"Because Tide is dying!"

Matthew laughed, shaking his head. "You don't understand; we don't die until the end of our lives, at most."

"What are you talking about and what do you mean by 'we"

"I'm a descendant of Atana, my grandmother told me that I was meant to be Atana's Tideian."

"Wait, you're not human?"

"Bloodlines have mixed deeply but yes, I guess you can say I am part Merman part human."

"Now it makes sense," Alexander muttered. "The first time, Tide kissed me, I could have sworn it felt like the kisses you gave me."

"You kissed him?!" Matthew boiled.

"I did more than that, we made love, I fell for the Merman first, Matthew."

"What about me?" 


"You don't love me?"

"You knew about Tide, why didn't you say anything?"

Matthew lowered his head and wouldn't look into the other man's eyes when Alexander started to speak again, then he met his gaze.

"I can't believe this..." Alexander cried. "I can't believe you. To think you didn't see the need to mention any of this to me!" 

Alexander yelled in his direction. "I haven't kept anything from you!" Matthew winced visibly at his raised voice but held Alexander's glare, refusing to break away. "Did you know about Tide, even before I brought him up?!" Matthew broke their gaze and he growled, turning and storming out the door.

He was angry, upset, hurt, and disappointed. He wanted to cry. Instead, he went for his phone and found it still sitting on the sofa. He needed to speak to someone that wasn't Matthew


"Hey, East."

Easton knew immediately that something was wrong from the sound of his voice.

"What's wrong, Xander?"

"It's about Tide."

There was a bit of silence and then Easton spoke again, "What about him? Is something wrong with the stone?"

"No, but Matthew knew about him...about the Merfolk."

"He does?"

"He is Atana's Tideian, East."

"Why didn't he say anything to you when you told him about Tide?"

"My point exactly." 

"What's he saying now?"


"Find out if he has anything that can at least help Tide."

"I don't want to talk to him right now."


The door took that time to push open and Michael walked in. Alexander's frown deepened upon seeing the man. 

"You?!" he glared.

"Me? What did I do?" East asked from the other end of the phone

"I will call you back, East." Alexander dropped the call and faced the newcomer.

"Where's Matthew?" Michael demanded, ignoring Alexander's comment.

Alexander rolled his eyes. "Don't act like you don't know. You're not exactly subtle. This is your brother's house, I'm sure you know your way around better than I do."

"Oh I'm aware I'm acting like a fool but I really need to talk to him right now," 

Michael replied.

"About what?"

"I'll tell you after I speak to him."

"Fine." Alexander conceded, but didn't offer any other replies to the rude man.

"Would you at least point me in the direction of where he's at?” he asked, ignoring Alexander's lack of an answer.


Michael frowned. "Well, how am I supposed to find him?"

"That's your problem, not mine," Alexander said simply.

"Well excuse me." Michael scoffed angrily and stormed off in search of his twin.

Alexander sighed and flopped down on the couch. It's either Michael is stupid or he's just trying to get on his nerves. 

Alexander stared at the blank screen of his phone without doing anything. His arms hung limply next to him, fingers twitching slightly and eyes unfocused. His mind was in turmoil and his entire body was tense. His chest rose slowly up and down but he did not move except for breathing. He couldn't stop the constant thoughts swirling in his brain, the questions burning like a thousand suns. They kept on going, every thought, every question, every emotion, everything just kept running through his head. It was becoming too painful to think.

Alexander hadn't realized that his hands had begun trembling until they began violently knocking against the glass of the side table next to him, jolting him from his trance. The sudden noise startled the room, making Alexander flinch. "Calm down, damn it!" he cursed under his breath as his hands shook violently. But, his heart was anything but calm. Who knows how many more secrets Matthew's keeping from him. What other lies has he not confessed to? And what other secrets does his heart hold? He groaned and grabbed at his hair which caused his head to spin, making his eyes water.

He hadn't seen the day ending this way.

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