Chapter 1

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*Flashback - Nine Years Ago*

The only thing she could hear were screams of agony.

Her mom had locked her in their small cabin, shielding her from the horrors waiting for her just behind the door.

Her pack lived in a small village on the edge of what's now called Seabrook.

She had no idea what was happening at the time, the blood-curdling screams were getting closer and louder.

The roars of her fellow pack members echoed through the valley.

The werewolf was desperately trying to pry the cabin door open.

"Run, Waverly!" She heard her father yell as he ran past the door.

Waverly was finally able to open the door, but what she saw stopped her dead in her tracks.

The seven year old pup watched as her village burst into flames and with it, her pack.

Before she had time to react, a hand gripped her arm.

She spun around, locking eyes with a man standing over her.

He wore a murderous grin.

It was a hunter.

He had an axe made of silver in his grasp.

Waverly instantly realized that he was a threat and slashed her long sharpened claws against his chest, causing the man to cry out in pain and let go of her.

She sprinted away from the cabin and dodged every obstacle in her way to get as far away as possible.

The sound of tearing flesh made her feel sick to her stomach.

Waverly rushed into the woods, running faster than she ever had before.

She glanced up into the darkness silhouetting the tall pine trees above.

She didn't know how far she had gotten until the young werewolf made it to the border of a town that would soon be referred to as Seabrook.

The screams had stopped, the only thing that filled the air was the smell of smoke, from the flames tearing apart her village, and the bloodshed those scary men had caused.

Hours passed, Waverly stayed put, leant against a tree as the sun rose over the mountains.

Her heart skyrocketed as she thought about what she would be walking back into when she returned.



The only smells in the air.

Waverly pushed herself away from the tree, her knees were unsteady and dread clouded her mind.

The young wolf stumbled through the woods, careful not to make too much noise in case the scary men were near.

If only she knew what she was walking into..

Once Waverly made it back to camp, her heart plummeted into her stomach.

The werewolf let out a horrified scream that made every bird in a mile radius burst from the treetops.

She will never forget the sight.

Waverly had just walked into the remains of a massacre..

Her pack, her family, scattered along the village, bloodied and beaten.

When Darkness Falls ༄ Wyatt LykensenWhere stories live. Discover now