Chapter 7

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"I'm not going to high school."

"We have no other choice." Wyatt sighed.

Waverly pushed herself away from the wall and folded both arms tightly over her chest.

"They're brain-washed to think they have to hide who they really are, Wyatt."

She shook her head. "The zombies have to wear those stupid Z-bands and every human wears the same color like prisoners."

The werewolf locked eyes with him. "It's fucked up."

He nodded. "I know.. and I agree."

"But without a great alpha, the pack dies. We cant let that happen."

Waverly ripped her eyes away from his. "Go without me."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "What? No way, we need your help, Waverly."

"I cant be in that school, Wyatt!" She snapped.

His expression softened.

She could sense his emotions shifting from confusion to sympathy.

"Oh shut up, your pity is the last thing I right now."

Waverly turned to leave.

"This isn't pity.. I'm just worried about you." Wyatt muttered.

She stopped.

"As much as i'm sure Willa doesn't want to admit it, she knows you're the strongest werewolf we have left." He explained. "Without you, we don't stand a chance if a fight breaks out."

"They might've accepted zombies, but they still see werewolves as the enemy. We need to stick together.. now more than ever."

Waverly squeezed her hands into fists, replaying his words in her head.

He was right.. the pack was weak, too weak to face off an entire town alone.

Her powers were strong.

Actually, they were stronger than ever.

The fear from the humans was like a beacon, it filled her with a type of energy she's only felt once before.

When she and Wyatt shared that moment in the forest..

"Fine." She agreed.

"I'll come with you.. but I'm not taking math."

He chuckled. "Don't worry, we won't be there that long."

* * *

Waverly was at the entrance to the den, peering out into the forest with Wyatt by her side.

The dark green pine trees swayed back and forth in the wind.

"So, what do you think?" Wyatt questioned.

She turned to him.

"The humans." He began. "Were they as bad as you thought they'd be?"

The werewolf chuckled. "No.. They were pathetic as hell, I could practically taste their fear."

A smile spread across his face. "I know."

"It felt great, didn't it?"

Waverly nodded her head. "Damn right it did."

Just then, Willa appeared behind them and cleared her throat. "So, she in?"

The two werewolves turned to face their alpha.

Wyatt nodded.

"Yeah, she's on board."

Waverly sucked in a deep breath.

When Darkness Falls ༄ Wyatt LykensenWhere stories live. Discover now