Chapter 47

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Waverly stared at the crystal, remembering everything it did to Wren and how fast it fled his body.

Why wasn't it effecting William the same way?

Not that it was a bad thing, since William seemed to have more time, but his suffering was prolonged, why?

She needed answers.

The shapeshifter stepped into the cavern, immediately becoming overwhelmed with dark energy.

Waverly sucked in a breath.

If it still was here, Matthew still needed it for something, and a rock that kills any werewolf it touches should never be in a hunters grasp.

She paused.

It could kill Wyatt.

It could already be killing Wyatt.

Just as the shapeshifter began moving closer to it, standing about five feet away now, purple light began to flicker around her palms.

The shade of purple matched the color of the stone perfectly, almost like it was shared the same power.

Her eyes dropped down to her hands, watching the energy fluctuate.

Suddenly, flames burst from her fingers.

Waverly gasped, waving them about in attempt to put out the fire.

As she unintentionally stumbled closer to the rock and the flames, the power, was instantly sucked into it.

"No!" Waverly cried out, watching the hybrid's energy fade away.

She needed that power.

She needed it to save her pack, to save Wyatt. 

Without thinking, the shapeshifter ran forward, hoping to absorb the last bits of energy before it was too late.

As she raced towards the rock, her foot got caught on something, causing her to fall.

Waverly's eyes snapped open wide as she found herself crashing forward into the pedestal.

She whipped her hands out, griping the bottom to catch herself.

Almost instantly, her palms began to burn like the sun.

The shapeshifter held back a scream, yanking her arms away as the excruciating poison danced across her skin.

Waverly fell on her side, breathing heavily.

As she waited for the pain to subside, something in the corner of the room caught her attention.

Something moving.

Before she could react to what she had saw, the pedestal in front of her toppled over, hitting the ground with an obnoxiously loud thud.

Her eyes landed on the crystal, which was on its way to the floor.

It tumbled to the ground, shattering into a thousand pieces.

"No!" An unsteady voice called out, startling Waverly.

Her heart was racing now.

So much had happened in just a few minutes.

The silhouette that had been shoved in the corner of the cavern moved, causing Waverly to flinch.

"Who the hell are you?" She demanded, pushing herself up off of the floor.

The figure slowly pushed away from the wall and moved out into the open, giving Waverly a clearer view.

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