Chapter 52

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"Waverly, we can't just sit here." Wyatt said, insistent on leaving.

But she wouldn't budge.

The shapeshifter just continuously pointed her muzzle towards the woods, hoping he would finally take the hint.

She knew he wouldn't.

"I am not leaving you here to get ambushed by hunters." Wyatt went on, his expression persistent.

The werewolves eyes were narrowed in on her and his eyebrows were practically sewn together across his forehead.

Waverly directed her attention up towards the sky, focusing on the poison.

It had taken control of her mobility now, so much so that even moving her finger hurt more than an anvil crushing her spine.

"The pack." He muttered, hoping to take her focus away from the pain. "We need to find the pack."

Waverly paused, still gazing up at the dark clouds above.

Rain rolled down her cheeks, soaking into her skin like a wet sponge.

She felt like death itself.

Her mouth was dry, completely devoid of water and her skin felt like warm ice.

What was all of this for?

She was risking everyone life and for what?

Waverly dropped her head.

She clearly couldn't go with Wyatt...not like this.

"What?" Wyatt questioned, watching as an unusual expression washed over her face.

"I am not leaving you." He demanded.

Waverly watched his jaw clench.

All she wanted to do was tell him how cheesy he was being.

Just as she went to reply with another stupid gesture, something caught her eye.

The rock.

The hybrid's rock that was keeping her from healing.

It was lying in the dirt beside Matthew's wet, decaying body, still glowing a bright purple.

Wyatt followed her gaze.

"The rock." He said, glancing between her and the stone. "That's the problem, isn't it?"

She froze as the werewolf scrambled to his feet.

Waverly snapped her jaw, snarling threateningly.

That was about all she could do to warn him.

Wyatt ignored her and bent down next to it, struggling to keep his focus away from Matthew's body.

Just as he reached for it, a hunter stumbled out of the woods, grabbing their attention. 

He was large, much larger than the two of them.

Well...when they're both human anyway.

His hair was dark and he wore armor stained with blood.

Waverly's eyes shot open wide.

His elongated spear was dipped in wolfsbane.

She could practically taste the vile scent.

Was that how Matthew planned on winning, by poisoning all of the wolves?

"Shit." Wyatt blurted out, spinning around fast.

The hunter stood there for a moment, spotting his leaders figure in the soil.

When Darkness Falls ༄ Wyatt LykensenWhere stories live. Discover now