Chapter 36

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Winston began piling up clothes for Willow to wear to dinner, after spending almost an hour picking out an outfit for Waverly.

She ended up being forced to wear a violet mini dress, black leather jacket, fish-nets and Willow's chunky boots.

"Are you sure this isn't too much?" Waverly questioned, while attempting to tie her hair back.

Winston spun around and examined her. "That's what the jacket is for."

He handed Willow one of the clothes stacks and gestured towards the door.

Just as the werewolf went to grab the handle, Willa came trotting into the room, nearly knocking her over.

"Hey." She announced, scanning the perimeter of the room.

Winston practically jumped out of his skin as the alpha made her entrance.

"Hey.. everything okay?" Waverly asked, confused by her sudden appearance.

Willa paused for a second, eyes landing on the shapeshifter's outfit.

"Where are you off to, the werewolf club?"

Winston laughed nervously. "No, we were actually just about to go to dinner."

Willow locked eyes with Waverly then slid out of the room.

The alpha nodded her head slowly, still continuing to look around the room cautiously. "Fun."

Waverly frowned slightly. "Are you alright, Willa?"

The werewolf's head suddenly snapped back around, startling her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" She rambled on.

Winston folded his arms over his chest. "You don't seem fine, honey."

Willa breathed out. "Okay.. I'm worried about Wyatt."

Waverly's heart skipped a beat.

"Why, what happened?" She blurted out, eyes flashing with concern.

The alpha turned to her.

"It's probably nothing."

She headed for the door to avoid telling them the context of the situation.

"Willa." Waverly muttered. "Tell me."

She paused as soon as she took one step into the hall. "Don't worry about it. Just tell him I'm looking for him."

Winston stepped forward. "That's gonna be tough since none of us have seen him."

Willa's hands clenched into fists, suddenly beginning to radiate nervous energy. "You haven't?"

Waverly was very worried now.

For both her and Wyatt.

"Was he not with you?"

She shook her head. "No, he left hours ago. Said he was coming to find you."

Suddenly, Waverly felt a searing pain in her chest.

She winced and stumbled backwards, the sudden burst unlocking a door of energy inside of her.

The two werewolves before her were immediately knocked off their feet as a spark of power surged through the room.

Not even a second later, the shapeshifter was fine.

"What was that?" Winston questioned, pushing himself up from the floor.

Waverly's eyebrows knitted together as her left hand began to sting.

She looked down and saw an 'L' engraved in her palm.

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