Chapter 41

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"What do you mean war, like with the hunters?" Willa said, shaking her head. "No way, it's too soon."

"You really think they care?" Waverly asked, frowning. "This all had to be a part of Matthew's plan, he took Wyatt so we'd be unprepared."

The alpha clenched her jaw. "Damnit. Alright, I'll get the pack to the edge of the forest."

She turned to leave.

"Wait." Waverly said, stopping her. "I have a better idea."

* * *

After explaining her plan to Willa, the shapeshifter helped split the pack up into eight groups, sectioning them off.

Four were placed around the perimeter of the forest and the rest were positioned in the valley.

Matthew would likely try to hit them at every angle.

Without Wyatt, their chances of defeating an army of hunters were slim, but if Waverly could borrow the energy from the wolf they had found, it might give them a shot.

The shapeshifter raced back to her rental house, nearly knocking down the door on the way in.

She stumbled into Willow's room then came to a sudden stop.

The wolf was gone.

"Shit." Waverly breathed out, staring at the pile of silver chains lying on the bed.

She wiped her hands down her face.

This was hopeless.

Without Wyatt, her powers would be too weak to take on a whole army.

But the only thing left to do was hope it wouldn't come to that.

The shapeshifter slid back into the hallway of the rental house and headed towards her room.

After all, she was still dressed like a hooker.

* * *

Once Waverly had changed, replacing her mini dress with black leather pants and a grey fitted top, she went into Winston's room, praying he still had leftover armor.

Every werewolf was given a set of moonstone-encrusted armor incase they ran into a rival pack.

In this case, they would be fighting against humans, but extra protection never hurt anyone.

Other than the hunters, of course.

She ransacked the room, tossing and tearing apart practically everything before coming across a safe hidden away underneath his bed.

Waverly smashed her fist into the top, crushing a hole through the metal exterior.

She ripped the top off and pulled out a chest-plate and leather bands.

The same ones Willa wore.

They were so familiar.

As Waverly held them between her palms, examining the brown leather, the shapeshifter gasped.

They were Wyatt's.

*Flashback - 1839 Days After the Incident*

Waverly woke up in the den, her eyes heavy.

Werewolves never got much sleep.

She pushed herself up into a seated position, breathing out a sigh.

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