Chapter 54

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"Hadley?" Willa repeated questioningly, keeping her voice how. "Who the hell is-"

"A hybrid."

Honestly, Waverly was surprised Willa didn't remember her. Despite Hadley's smaller size, she still had the same energy, the same features that she did when they found her in the truck that night.

Just as the alpha opened her mouth, most likely to ask more questions, a loud boom rang through the air.

All of the werewolves threw their hands over their heads, startled by the noise.

Waverly watched a bolt of lightning strike the tree behind Hadley. The girl didn't even flinch.

The tree exploded into a pile of ash, spitting up into the air then raining back down to the grass. It was left a stubby black mess.

The shapeshifter immediately knew...she had seen that tree before. The visions. The ones she got when she was trying to find Wyatt. A tree. A bolt of lightning. They weren't for him at all, they were for Hadley.

But why?

Hadley was staring right at her, as if she could hear everything the shapeshifter was thinking. Maybe she could. No one knew anything about hybrid's other than Matthew, and he was dead.

A groaning sound filled the air, grabbing everyone's attention. Waverly pulled her eyes away from the wolf.

Zed stumbled out of the woods, his arms soaked in crimson. A few other zombies trailed behind him, also speckled with blood.

Waverly glanced back over to where Hadley had been standing a moment before. She was gone. The shapeshifter wondered what the vision meant, why she had been seeing a bit of this moment before it happened.

"Zed?" Willa said, confusion in her voice. She looked back at Waverly, her eyes shaped into two slitted marbles. "Why the hell is he here?"

"Long story." The shapeshifter said, huffing out a sigh.

Her chest was heavy and it felt like her heart was burning through her skin, but somehow, the pain in leg was no longer there. She felt better than she had in weeks.

Wyatt was sitting up now, still pale and sweaty, but Willow managed to get the arrow out of his leg with little trouble.

Winston was next to them, holding his arm with a distressed look on his face. Apparently the bullet had only grazed his shoulder, but it was doused in poison, so the effect would be the same. 

Zed was covered in red veins, shaking uncontrollably. The rest of the zombies behind him looked even worse.

"Where's Addison?" Zed coughed, his features sunken in.

Waverly didn't answer. She had no idea where the cheerleader was and that was the least of their worries right now.

"Winston!" One of the zombies cried out, rushing towards the werewolf.

He was young with bronze skin and the same faint veins lining his arms. His hair was dark and fluffy, brushed back by the sudden waves of wind hitting them.

He was quite attractive, other than the fact that he was a flesh-eater.

"Oh my," Waverly said, amused. "Is this him?"

Winston looked up as the zombie landed beside him, a concerned expression on his grimy face. The werewolf seemed a bit embarrassed but he hid it well.

"Yes, this is Zane, and you would've known that if you showed up to our dinner." He said, cocking his head to the side then wincing from the pain in his arm.

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