Chapter 35

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Waverly followed Willow up to the elders rental house.

Neither of them had seen or talked to the older wolves since they were ill in the infirmary.

This house was two floors.

It must have originally been painted red, but the color faded into some sort of shit-brown color.

Willow stepped onto the porch, frowning as the wooden board beneath her creaked obnoxiously.

Waverly folded her arms behind her back and trudged up the steps.

Wes's mother was an elder.

Whitney Gerwulf.

She had beautiful amber locks and two bright green eyes.

She also happened to despise Waverly.

"Are you ready?" Willow questioned, noticing her hesitation.

The shapeshifter sucked in a breath. "Yeah, let's just get this over with."

She slid forward and banged her knuckled against the chunk of wood.

Almost immediately, footsteps echoed through the house.

The door suddenly swung open, startling them.

There was no one there.

Willow turned to Waverly and frowned.

"Uh, it's Willow-"

Before she could finish, the door fell off of its hinges, falling backwards into the house.

Waverly flinched as it hit the floor.

The elder known as Wendy stumbled into the doorway, her eyes narrowed.

"Hey, Wendy.." Willow greeted, her smile faltering.

Just like how Whitney wasn't too fond of Waverly, Wendy wasn't too fond of Willow..

"Hello, girls." Wendy scowled, adjusting her bright purple top.

Waverly stepped forward, dragging her dark purple combat boots against the porch. "We need to talk to Warner."

Warner Hemming was the head elder.

The former leader of the pack, before Wyatt's mother.

He was almost two hundred years old.

"He's busy." Wendy informed them. "Come back later."

As she went to pick up the fallen door, Waverly smacked her palm against doorframe, getting the elders attention.

"We need to talk to him now. It's important"

The older werewolf turned to the shapeshifter, her jaw clenching tightly. "He's busy."

Willow reached for her arm. "Come on-"

"No!" Waverly exploded, pushing her hand back. "I don't know why we're supposed to rely on you older wolves to make the decisions. You weren't the ones who saved the pack, you weren't the ones who found the moonstone, you weren't the ones who lead us!"

When Darkness Falls ༄ Wyatt LykensenWhere stories live. Discover now