Chapter 37

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"Yes." Waverly proclaimed. "It seems the hunter's brought him back to the south side of the forest."

Willa stomped on a fallen tree, breaking it in half to clear the pathway for them. "How do you know it was the hunters?"

She tossed the pieces out of the way.

The shapeshifter frowned. "Who else? Wyatt said he would never go back."

"And you believe that?" She questioned, unconvinced.

"Yes, I do."

Willa scoffed, adjusting the necklace around her neck. "Right."

Waverly turned to her. "Why do you do this?"

The alpha paused. "Do.. what?"

"Why do you always have to be the bitchy leader that never listens to reason?"

Willa stared at her, eyes narrowing slightly.

"Wow, Waverly, why don't you tell me how you really feel?" She said, sarcastically.

The shapeshifter rolled her eyes.

"I'm serious, Willa."

"Oh I know, that is your serious face." The werewolf said.

"My serious face?" Waverly questioned, repeating her words.

"Yeah, you know, the constipated puppy face you always make."

"Constipated puppy?"


The shapeshifter wiped a hand down her face, breathing out obnoxiously.

If only werewolves weren't blessed with night vision so Waverly wouldn't have to deal with the alpha's judgmental looks all night.

As she opened her mouth to reply to Willa's comment, something ran through the trees behind them.

They both spun around, scanning the forest.

"What was that?" Waverly whispered.

"You tell me." Willa muttered. "Aren't you the one will all the fancy powers?"

The shapeshifter looked at her, eyebrows furrowed. "Is that what this is about?"

The alpha folded her arms over her chest. "Excuse me?"

"Are you jealous of my abilities?" Waverly asked, jaw dropping to the floor.

Willa's confused expression was quickly overtaken by anger.

"Excuse me?" She repeated, louder. "No, I am not jealous of your abilities."

Waverly clenched her jaw. "Right."

"Don't do that." Willa groaned, bringing her attention up to the sky.

The shapeshifter sighed. "Can we just get back to looking for Wyatt and secretly hating each other, please."

She didn't say anything.

Waverly smacked a branch out of her way and began walking back towards the south forest.

"I don't hate you, Waverly." Willa said, causing the shapeshifter to stop.

What a lie that was.

"Well, you sure have a funny way of expressing your gratitude." Waverly spit, turning to face her once again.

The werewolf was staring at the ground.

She seemed conflicted.

"I don't hate you." The alpha said again, still avoiding her eyes.

When Darkness Falls ༄ Wyatt LykensenWhere stories live. Discover now