Chapter 22

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Waverly raced into the den, her heart beating at a million miles an hour. 

"Woah!" A voice called out, getting her attention fast. 

Wyatt grabbed the werewolves arm and pulled her to a halt. 

"Slow down." He said, laughing slightly. 

She turned to him, not in the mood for jokes or games. They needed to run. 

"What's wrong?" He questioned, noticing the horrified look on her face. 

Waverly shook her head. "You all have to leave."

Wyatt placed a hand on her shoulder, steadying the frightened werewolf before him. "Tell me what happened."

"Isn't it obvious?" She began, sliding out from underneath his grip. 

"He's coming."

* * *

"This is bullshit." Willa said, running a hand through her curls. 

Wyatt stood next to Waverly, his hand wrapped around her waist in a protective fashion. 

"We can't just assure everyone out of here." Willow went on. "Some of us are too sick to even stand up."

"Then we'll drag their asses back to Seabrook." Waverly muttered, her voice cracking. 

Wyatt looked down at her. "Waverly-"

"No." She interrupted. "You all need to get out of here. Run, walk, crawl, I don't care, just leave."

Willow moved forward, staring at her friend with a sympathetic expression. "Look, I know how scared you are of this man.. but he's old and decrepit now. How much damage can he do?"

Waverly folded her arms over her chest, suddenly becoming uncomfortable with Wyatt's need for physical contact. 

"You have no idea." The werewolf breathed out.

Willa glanced around the den. "Yeah, alright. We'll start evacuating tomorrow morning."

"Tomorrow morning?" Waverly frowned. "No way, you have to go now."

Wyatt reached for her once more and she pulled back. 


"I can't do this right now." She said, looking down at the floor. 

This was all too overwhelming. 

"This man slaughtered my pack. Even with a few wrinkles, he can still swing an axe. We aren't exactly thriving at the moment."

The den went quiet. 

"She's right, Willa." Willow said, nodding her head in agreement. "We won't be able to hold our ground for long if a fight breaks out."

"Forget fighting." Waverly scoffed. "This is war."

Wyatt dropped his arm beside her. He clearly caught on to her being uncomfortable. 

They shouldn't be spending their time comforting each other, they should be tying their hair back and sharpening their claws. 

"My decision is final." Willa sighed. "We begin preparations at dawn."

Before Waverly could argue, the alpha walked away. 

Wyatt hesitated for a moment then followed his sister's path. 

"Unbelievable.." Waverly said, a streak of betrayal polluting the air behind him. 

Willow sighed. "I'm guessing you have a different plan."

When Darkness Falls ༄ Wyatt LykensenWhere stories live. Discover now