Chapter 48

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Her voice broke, shattering into a thousand pieces.

There was no answer, just the sound of breathing.

Staggered breathing.





Waverly didn't move, she kept her eyes glued to the forest in front of her.

She was worried, terrified, relieved, excited and scared all at the same time.

What if when she turned around it wasn't what she wanted to see?

What if this just all in her head?

What if Matthew was playing games with her?

She needed to move.

Waverly hesitated for a moment, listening to the sound of his breathing.

She took in a shaky breath, and spun around.

The shapeshifter's eyes fell upon the figure standing across from her.

It was Wyatt.

It was really him.

He stood there staring back at her, almost completely drenched in blood.

His own blood.

Waverly didn't notice that at first, all she could see were his beautiful amber eyes peering into her own.

She missed him so much.

Too much.

More than she had ever missed anyone before.

The shapeshifter could feel her heart beating out of her chest as she fought the urge to tackle him to the ground.

Instead, Waverly stumbled forward, eyes filling with tears as she calmly wrapped her arms around him.

He stood there frozen for a moment, as if he were getting used to the feeling of her body against his own, then slowly lifted his arms and slid them around her.

She sank into him, stuffing her face into his chest.

Waverly shuddered as his breath brushed past her cheek.

"I'm so sorry, Wyatt." She spoke into his shirt. "I'lll kill him, I swear...I'll kill him and we can do it together and-"

"Waverly." Was all he said again, in that same voice.

A voice she didn't quite recognize.

A voice that wasn't completely Wyatt.

The tone was there, but the emotion wasn't.

She held her breath and pulled away from him, flinching as their eyes met again.

He was covered in gashes, like he had been beaten.

On his arms.







She tried to take in air to soothe the burning sensation in her lungs, but nothing came.

Tears slowly trickled down the shapeshifter's cheeks as her eyes fell all over him.

What was she supposed to say?

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