Chapter 31

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"I am revolted."

Waverly sighed.

Somehow, they made it back to the rental house in one piece.

"Why are you revolted?"

Willow stood up, tightening the bandage around the shapeshifter's torso. "Because Mr. Handsome just tried to kill you."

She clenched her jaw. "Why didn't you tell me he was a dick?"

Waverly put her hands over her face and sat up on the werewolves bed, contemplating what to say.

"He's not a dick."

Willow scoffed, grabbing Waverly's wrists and gently moving her hands away from her face. "I know you have a warped perception on life, but a 'friend' attacking you is NOT normal."

The shapeshifter rolled her eyes. "I know that."

"Then how are you so calm?"

"Because it's not his fault."

Willow looked down at the floor and blew out a breath. "Alright.. Waverly, how do I explain this in a way you'll understand-"

"I do understand." She interrupted, sighing once again. "William is being controlled by the same man who's trying to kill us. He doesn't know what he's doing."

The werewolf nodded. "But, what if he does?"

The room fell silent.

Waverly's eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean?"

Willow hesitated for a moment then slid over to the bed and sat down next to her. "You told me his eyes lit up green when he was being controlled, right?"


She locked eyes with the shapeshifter.

"When he killed Wes.. his eyes were blue. Like yours."

Waverly stiffened. "They were?"

Willow nodded. "Just like today, when he tried to kill you."

The shapeshifter turned away from her, both hands slowly forming into fists.

She was right.. he was able to stop himself before, so why couldn't he stop himself when Matthew told him to him kill Wes?

Or when he almost killed Wyatt.

Or when he's tried to kill her..

Anger flooded Waverly's body, causing her eyes to flash that very same blue.

She clenched her jaw. "You're right."

Willow reached for her hand. "Waverly-"

The shapeshifter pulled away, disgusted with herself.

"How did I not see that?"

William was playing her this whole time.

How else could she explain what happened today?

His eyes weren't green when he stabbed his claws into her back.

And apparently they weren't when he killed Wes.

He manipulated her into thinking he was an ally by showing her how to unlock her powers.

"How could I have been so fucking stupid?!" Waverly exclaimed, jumping up from the bed.

Willow winced, still worried about her injury.

"You weren't stupid, Waverly." She went on. "You wanted to believe him because he's like you-"

When Darkness Falls ༄ Wyatt LykensenWhere stories live. Discover now