Chapter 38

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"Oh, yay." Waverly muttered, frowning at the hunter standing before her.

She swallowed her fear. 

There was no time to be afraid.

If Matthew had truly taken Wyatt, hiding behind a mask of valor would be the best way to find him before it was too late. 

Plus, Waverly has always been quite good at getting information out of humans.

A smirk grew across Matthew's face. "Not doing too hot, are you?"

The shapeshifter clenched her jaw, blinded by the fact that he had the only person she cared about more than herself. 

"Where's Wyatt?"

 He huffed out a sigh. "Why do you assume I have him?"

"Because when does anything ever go right with you around?" Waverly muttered, eyes flickering blue as her anger fluctuated.

The hunter folded his arms over his chest and grinned as his grey eyes examined the shapeshifter. "Fine, you got me. But, the boy is fine."

Waverly breathed out, relief flooding through her. "And what does fine mean coming from you?"

He shrugged. "Whatever you want it to mean."

She rolled her eyes. "I don't have time for your games, Matthew, just tell me where he is and I'll give you the privilege of walking this earth one more day."

His grin grew wider. "As much as I would like to accept that deal, I am not going tell you where he is."

The shapeshifter stepped forward, fighting the urge to express the anger coursing through her veins. "Yes, you will."

The hunter un-crossed his arms. "What's the fun in that?"

Waverly cracked her knuckles, beginning to absorb the energy in the air around them. "Fine, I gave you a chance."

Matthew threw his arms into the air, holding them out in front of himself defensively. "You blast me, you'll never find your boy toy."

She stared at him.

"Did you really think I wouldn't have a backup plan?" He continued. "William was just a decoy, a messenger. He was never a part of my plan."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Waverly questioned, knees practically buckling as the built up tension in her body crushed her legs like a brick.

His smirk fell. "Think about it, Waverly, why would I kidnap your pet? I'm not one to hold grudges."

A laugh escaped her lips. "That's funny."

He sighed. "Fine, I'll put the pieces together for you. I'm going to test out my new version of mind-numbing on him, of course."

Waverly felt her heart plummet into her stomach, nearly shattering her ribcage with horror. 

How did she not see that? 

"That's never going to happen." The shapeshifter seethed, her eyes flashing blue. "I won't let you."

The hunter took a step back, mocking her. "Oh, okay, and what are you going to do, Waverly? You have no leverage against me."

She hesitated.

If he was bluffing, this would be the perfect chance to take him out and finally free herself from the burden of the hunters, but if he wasn't, she could lose Wyatt forever.

Why would he show his face like this? Even though Waverly was sure Matthew wasn't alone, this seemed like a very dumb course of action to face her without any visible backup. 

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