Chapter 43

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Waverly stared at the shapeshifter standing before her.

It was bold of him to assume she would know what that meant.

"What the hell is a hybrid?" Waverly blurted out, mimicking his words.

William sighed breathlessly. "It's a type of werewolf, the most powerful actually. Half human half shapeshifter."

She nodded slowly. "Half human.. wouldn't that make it weaker than us?"

He shook his head. "Hardly. Humans are pure energy, with our powers combined, a creature like that can basically do anything."

Waverly leaned forward. "Anything?"


She rubbed the back of her neck. "Anything like.. find Wyatt?"

He nodded once again. "Yes."

The shapeshifter bit her lip, wandering back into the cell. "Interesting."

William shook his head, practically tripping over his own feet as he rushed up to the bars. "Don't get any ideas, she's controlled by Matthew, she won't do anything for you."

"You keep saying she." Waverly said, turning to face him. "Who the hell is this, Will?"

He didn't answer.

"William." She snapped, flashing her eyes at him.

That was about all she could do in here.

"Her name is Hadley." The shapeshifter began.

"She's been in captivity for her entire life because of Matthew. I didn't know about her until recently when I wandered somewhere I wasn't supposed to." He rambled on, continuing his very vague explanation.

Maybe that's why he was punished, he was never supposed to find out about this Hadley.

"Okay, so why would Hadley share her powers with me if she is working against me?" Waverly questioned, sitting back down on her cot.

"I don't know." William put forth. "But do not assume that it was to help you."

None of this made sense.

If Matthew was still in control of William, why would he be able to share this with her?

Was it because Waverly found Hadley?

But Matthew would have been able to stop that too.

"Do you know anything else about her?"

He shook his head.

Before she could say anything else, a multitude of footsteps echoed through the hall, headed for the cells. 

Waverly waited for William to hide, but he never did.

He didn't seem to care that they were about to be caught.

"What are you doing, I mean, I'm not against killing some humans but it seems pretty unnecessary right now." Waverly whispered, tilting her head to the side.

He was in no condition to fight.

The shapeshifter just smiled, amused by her diction. "I wouldn't worry about that, they're not human."

Waverly listened close, recognizing the familiar grunts and groans.


Suddenly, Zed and Addison turned the corner, a pile of zombies following closely behind them.

Waverly groaned. "Oh, great. You brought a crowd to watch me wallow in self-pity. How nice."

William looked at her and smiled.

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