Chapter 28

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Once Waverly made it back to the school, more then half of the gym was cleared out.

Apparently the humans took the party elsewhere.

She stumbled into the cafeteria, blood smeared across her dress.

Of course, the dress was black so no one would notice, but the stains on her hands.. that was a different story.

Before anyone could spot her, Wyatt ran over and pulled the shapeshifter back into the hallway.

"Where the hell have you been?" He questioned, eyebrows furrowed.

He hadn't noticed the blood yet.

Waverly hesitated. "Uh.. I got cold feet?"

He frowned.

"You got cold feet? Please."

Before she could come up with another lie, he glanced down at her hands.

Immediately, his mouth fell open. "Who's blood is that?!"

Waverly pushed him further down the hall, pursing her lips. "Shut up."

He ignored her attempt at shielding their conversation and lifted her arm up.

"Waverly, what did you do?"

The shapeshifter sucked in a breath.

"I may have killed a hunter." She breathed out, avoiding his eyes.

There was a moment of silence.

"What!" He shouted, necklace flashing. "You killed someone?"

She nodded slowly. "Yes, but before you freak out, it was self defense."

Wyatt cursed under his breath, dropping her arm. "Oh my god, this is so fucking bad."

Waverly rolled her eyes.

"What am I supposed to tell Willa?" He went on.

"Don't worry about it. I'll tell her." She said, folding both arms over her chest.

The werewolf shook his head. "Absolutely not. She'll never let you stay."

Just as he opened his mouth to ramble on again about how bad this was, Waverly bared her canines, startling him.

"I don't care what you do, Wyatt. There are hunters on there way here to slice our heads off with silver axes. I did what I had to do to survive and you all will have to do the same pretty soon, so move past it!" She announced, both eyes flashing blue.

He stood there, at a loss of words.

Waverly looked down at her dress and sighed.

This was supposed to be a good night.

She just wanted ONE good night before all hell broke loose.

Just as the shapeshifter turned to leave, Wyatt grabbed her hand and yanked her back to where she was previously standing.

"You're right." He admitted, blowing out a breath. "I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions so fast."

Waverly smiled slightly. "Please don't apologize.. stop being so damn perfect."

He laughed.

"We can tell Willa together." She suggested, squeezing his hand.

Wyatt sighed. "I cant believe this is happening."

He paused.

"This is war."

* * *

When Darkness Falls ༄ Wyatt LykensenWhere stories live. Discover now