Chapter 9

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*Flashback - 10 Hours After the Massacre*

There was woman.

Late thirties, brown hair, white streaks, two piercing yellow eyes and perfect light brown skin. 

She was standing tall in front of the horrified werewolf. 

Wyatt's mother. 

She was probably the most intimidating creature Waverly has ever seen. 

Was everyone in this family attractive?

The frightened werewolf was huddled in the corner of a massive cave. 

She had no idea where she was or how she would return home. 

If she even had a home..

Wyatt brought her deep into the forbidden forest and practically dragged her into this.. cave. 

There were dozens of werewolves here, all with the same white streaks in their hair. 

Waverly didn't know if they were friend or foe. 

"What were you thinking?" Wyatt's mother had both hands firmly placed on her hips as she scolded her son. 

"Why the hell would you bring a stranger into our home?" 

That was a stretch considering Waverly was surrounded by strangers. 

All eyes were on her. 

She was trembling with fear, images of fire and blood scattered her mind. All she could think about was her parents. 

What were they thinking when troops of armed men raced into the village and burned everything to the ground?

What were they feeling when those very same men tore apart their family one werewolf at a time and went home with blood dripping from their hands?

Was it her fault? 

Her heart was saying no, but her head was screaming with guilt. 

"I had no other choice.." Wyatt trailed off. 

"Her pack was-"

He paused for a moment. 


His mother's stern expression started to falter as she turned to the young werewolf behind her. 

"Leave us." She commanded. 

Almost immediately, the pack scattered, disappearing into the darkness. 

Wyatt glanced down at Waverly.  

He looked extremely concerned for her. 

"Go." His mother ordered, shooing him away. 

The werewolf  trudged out of the room. 

Once the den was silent, the woman breathed out an exasperated sigh and kneeled down to Waverly's level. 

"Honey, look at me."

The 7 year old shook her head. 

"Look at me." She repeated, raising her voice. 

Waverly lifted her head, staring up at the werewolf with pleading eyes. 

"I won't ask what happened.." She began. "And I cant fathom what you've been through.."

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