Chapter 17

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"You didn't know what a pen was?" Wyatt questioned, holding back a laugh. 

Waverly frowned.

"No, I didn't know what a pen was.."

The two werewolves were sitting at the campsite beside each other. 

He shook his head. "We need to get you out more."

She sighed. 

"Ugh. Addison probably thinks I'm an idiot now.." The werewolf groaned. 

Wyatt frowned. "Since when do you care what she thinks?"

"I don't."

"Seems like you do."

She rolled her eyes. "I just don't want her to think I'm weak."

"Because you didn't know what a pen was?" He shook his head. "Waverly, she doesn't think you're weak. Plus, it's not like you're gonna fight her."

She didn't respond. 

His amused look quickly faded. "You're not going to fight her.. right?"

Waverly rubbed her neck. "I mean.." 

Anger began to radiate off of his body. "Damn it, Waverly! Why are you so threatened by her?"

"Because you like her!" She snapped, both eyes flashing. 

He stood up. 

"What? I don't like her?"

She laughed and got up as well. "Oh right, is that why you brought her to our den and gave her the last fucking recharged moonstone this pack has."

Wyatt's eyes narrowed in on the werewolf standing in front of him. "Why does this bother you so much...?"

She froze, noticing the questioning look on his face. "It doesn't."

He frowned. "Would you stop that? I know when you're upset, Waverly. We're family-"

"Yeah. Thats the problem." She sneered. 

The werewolf stared at her then took a hesitant step back. 

"That we're family?"

Waverly wiped her hands down her face anxiously. 


He looked down at the floor. "Please tell me what's going on.."

She lifted her gaze up to his and as soon as their eyes locked, the wind started to pick up. The strange thing is that, neither of them seemed to notice..

"You've been different ever since Addison came into our lives." Waverly muttered. 


"How?" She repeated. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe the fact that you ignore everyone when she walks into a room and act like we're all idiots."

Wyatt frowned. "I do not do that."

"Oh, really? Because when we were in the gym with those pesky cheerleaders, you were throwing out demands like a navy sailor."

He sighed. "Willa left me in charge of you guys, of course I was being demanding."

Waverly rolled her eyes. "Right."

The werewolf crossed his arms. "Are you jealous of Addison?"

Her eyes widened. 

The wind began to blow stronger, causing the trees to bend. Wyatt's eyes started to flicker from yellow to brown. 

When Darkness Falls ༄ Wyatt LykensenWhere stories live. Discover now