Chapter 25

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Relief flooded through Waverly's body. She ran forward and threw herself into his embrace. "Thank God."

Willow emerged from the tunnel as well, she was focused on the raging alpha before her. "We've known Waverly forever, just hear her out, Willa."

But Willa didn't want to hear anyone out.

Waverly pulled out of Wyatt's embrace, even though she didn't want to. She just wanted to hold him forever..

The sight of his still, bloodied, beaten body crushed her like an ant under a shoe.

She was never going to lose him again. 

Never again.

Waverly turned to the alpha who was burning a whole through her back.

The look on Willa's face startled Waverly. 

It was the look of no humanity.

The same look that rests behind the man's eyes.

Waverly hated it.

She was being stared at as if she were a stranger, as if they hadn't been practically sisters since they were pups.

A dull look, devoid of emotion or sympathy. A look that an alpha should wear when facing off a threat.

But Waverly wasn't a threat.

She was an ally.

"Willa." The shapeshifter began, her voice calm. "Please let me explain."

The alpha stared at her, waiting to shit on whatever excuse Waverly came up with.

"William is a werewolf from my old pack. He ran away and that's how the guy that.. killed my pack.. found him." She went on. "He's being forced to hurt other werewolves. It's not his fault."

Willa's expression didn't change. 

She stood there, eyes narrowed.

"How do you know he's being forced?"

Waverly sighed. "Because.. he helped me transform."

It went silent again.

"Transform?" Wyatt said in a questioning voice.

She spun around.

Willow knew what she meant. After all, she was there when Waverly shifted from wolf to human.

"I'm not a regular werewolf.. William and I are shapeshifters."

The den fell quiet for the third time.

Wyatt folded his arms tightly over his chest.

"So you've been lying about that too." Willa said, grabbing her attention.

Waverly wiped a hand down her face. "No, I wasn't lying about anything. I knew nothing about the shifting. Wolves in my old pack used to be exiled for transforming."

"That's tough." Willow said, trying to lighten the mood. 

It didn't work.

"What triggered it?" Wyatt questioned, clearly confused by this new information.

"I don't know."

"You don't know much, huh?" Willa muttered, clearly unhappy with her lack of knowledge.

"Relax, Willa." Wyatt sighed.

"How can I?" She scoffed. "We were just ambushed. You almost died because of this friend of hers and she can't even explain why!"

When Darkness Falls ༄ Wyatt LykensenWhere stories live. Discover now