Chapter 53

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"Do you promise to defend this pack no matter what the reason?" Warner went on.

"Yes." They, once again, said in unison.

"Good." The elder breathed out. "Than it is my pleasure to welcome the Lykensen siblings, the heirs to the throne, into the great battle for alpha!"

Each of the head elders, Wendy, Whitney and Warner, standing around them scurried backwards, giving the two werewolves room.

Wyatt sucked in a breath, raising his arms into a defensive position.

Willa did the same.

"Let it begin!" Warner ordered, flashing his eyes.

Every wolf standing around Waverly lifted their heads, howling up at the sky.

Waverly didn't join them.

She was too focused on the siblings.

She couldn't understand why the pack found this so entertaining when one of them was about to endure a crushing and painful defeat.

The two of them just stood there, taunting each other and slowly moving around in a circle-like formation.

They looked like vultures fighting over prey.

Willa's proud expression faltered slightly as Wyatt nearly lost his footing.

He wasn't ready for this.

Neither of them were.

What the hell were they thinking?

"Now!" Warner snapped, becoming annoyed by their hesitation.

Willa's eyes lit up yellow, and she leapt into the air, slashing her freshly-sharpened claws through the air just inches from uncovered Wyatt's throat.

Waverly lunged forward, becoming fueled by anger.

Willow yanked her back.

"Stop." The werewolf muttered. "You can't interfere."

Wyatt practically fell backwards, hurling himself away from her nails.

His eyes were wide and filled with something that could only be described as betrayal, as if he were surprised that she would actually attack him.

Waverly squeezed her hands into two tight fists, listening to his heart beating rapidly.

Willa went to strike again, but before she could, Wyatt kicked his left leg out, jabbing her in the stomach.

The werewolf fell back, barring her teeth.

"Come on!" Wyatt roared, pounding a fist against his chest.

He had an unnatural look in his eyes that Waverly had never seen in him before.


Willa jumped up, tackling him to the ground.

Her claws thrashed across his chest, leaving four large tears in his vest.

Wyatt cried out, shoving her off.

Their eyes were exploding with color.

Whatever hold Warner had put over them with his 'alpha influence' or whatever the fuck it was, Waverly was not happy about it.

The wolves around her cheered, watching in awe as their pack-mates attempted to kill each other.

Wyatt scrambled to his feet, dark red blood dripping down his vest.

When Darkness Falls ༄ Wyatt LykensenWhere stories live. Discover now