Chapter 24

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The whole world stopped as soon as those words left her mouth.

Wes? The sharp young werewolf who was learning to work in the infirmary? That Wes?

"Oh my God.." Waverly muttered, putting her hands over her face. "Willow, I.."

She felt her eyes glaze over with tears.

How could someone do that?

How could a human do that?

Humans were supposed to have more compassion then werewolves.

How was she supposed to believe that someone the same breed as perky little Addison could murder an innocent child?

Wes had a life ahead of him. He had a family..

A family that would soon have to face the loss of their son.

"I'm so sorry." She finished.

Willow looked down at the ground. "I just.. cant wrap my head around it."

Waverly reached for her hands. "We'll get him the justice he deserves. I promise."

The werewolf nodded her head slowly. "I just wanna see these hunters burn. They deserve everything that's coming to them."


Just then, a blast of energy shot through the cave, engulfing Waverly in a sea of emotion. 

Anger, sadness, happiness, and a million other things hit her all at once. 

Her eyes flickered from blue to their natural brown as she fell back, attempting to retain control of herself. 

"Waverly?" Willow said, reaching for her. "Whats happening?"

As the shapeshifter sucked in a breath, the air around them thinned. 

Willow looked terrified by the sudden weather change. 

Wind began spiraling around Waverly, whipping her hair in all different directions. 

"Please tell me what's going on!" The werewolf before her shouted. 

Waverly closed her eyes, trying to pull everything back in.  

Somehow, her emotions could radiate out of her body and merge with the earth's naturalistic processes. 

But.. only when she was around Wyatt. 

One last burst of energy shot through the cave, nearly slicing it in two.

Then, the wind stopped. 

So did the rush of emotion. 

Waverly felt the world fall back down on her shoulders as her eyes went back to their natural chocolate brown. 

Willow was in front of the shapeshifter with a horrified expression resting on her face. 

"What the fuck just happened?" The frightened werewolf said, her voice barely a whisper. 

Waverly turned to her, unfazed. 

Her eyes were heavy and a blanket of sweat covered her arms and forehead.

She looked down at Wyatt. 

The color had returned to his body, most of his wounds seemed to be closed and the pain-ridden expression that was once spread across his face had vanished. 

A smile spread across Waverly's face. "It wasn't me." 

Willow stared at her. "You're insane—"

Wyatt's necklace began to glow, startling both of them.

When Darkness Falls ༄ Wyatt LykensenWhere stories live. Discover now