Chapter 23

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Waverly skidded to a hault at the border of Willa's campsite. 

Something was off. 

A musty smell lingered in the air. 

It smelt like something along the lines of sweat and.. blood.

She rushed forward, heading straight for the den. 

 Of course, when Waverly leaves to go see a friend, the hunters chose to invade. 


Once she made it to the entrance, she stopped. 

It was quiet. 

No sounds other then a few faint heartbeats. 

Something caught her eye as she stepped into the den. 

It was an arrow. 

The same fucking arrow that has flown past Waverly's head multiple times. 

She bowed her head, creeping into the den as quiet as possible. 

The shapeshifter didn't even make it two feet before a set of sharp claws flew past her muzzle. 

She jumped backwards, dodging the swipe. 

Willa tumbled to the ground beside her, panting heavily. 

Waverly could feel the pain radiating off of the werewolves body as she turned to face her.   

She was wounded, badly. 

Blood was smeared across her arms and shirt, hiding whatever injures she endured. 

"Who are you?" The alpha demanded, baring her teeth. 

Waverly attempted to answer her, but the only thing that left her lips was a deep growl. 

That didn't help her case..

"Get out!" Willa ordered, ready to attack. 

Just then, her necklace flickered, causing Willa to stumble backwards. 

She held back a fit of coughing. 

Before Waverly could object, Willa leapt into the air, her claws pointed at the shapeshifter. 

Waverly caught her by the arm and threw the werewolf to the ground. 

"Shit." Willa huffed, struggling to maneuver out of her grip. 

Waverly let go of her a moment later and took a few steps back. 

She didn't want a fight. 

Willa paused, noticing her hesitation. "Who are you?"

The light from the moonstone shard above hit her, giving Waverly clear view of where her injuries were. 

There was blood dripping from the corners of her mouth and she had small cuts down her arms. 

They looked almost like.. werewolf bites. 

Waverly started to sense a presence behind her. 

There were other wolves here. 

Just as Willa lifted her arm to attack once more, Waverly let out an ear-splitting howl. 

The alpha froze. 

She knew she would recognize it. 

Every werewolf has a different howl. 

A faint cough came from the tunnel behind Waverly. 

"Who are you?" Willa repeated, trying to turn the wolves attention back to her.

Instead of acknowledging the leader, Waverly turned to where the cough came from and noticed a stain wiped across the floor. 

When Darkness Falls ༄ Wyatt LykensenWhere stories live. Discover now