Chapter 55

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"No one told you to stop thinking?" Wyatt said as they entered the deep vegetation of the forest. "We're just saying—"

"We need to focus." Willa interrupted, leading the group of werewolves, zombies and whatever else seemed to join them into the woods.

Addison stumbled out is the trees a few moments later. She was completely unharmed.

"How the hell..." Waverly began, shaking her head.

Blonde squealed when her eyes landed on Zed and rushed over to him with both of her arms out. 

Wyatt watched the human closely. He looked almost jealous when she hugged the zombie. Waverly did her best not to think about it.

If she didn't know every inch of the forest, the shapeshifter would say that every part looked the same. Honestly, every part was eerily similar other than the south side.

Waverly could sense multiple hunters in the trees, but she was too overwhelmed to track any of them down. She couldn't stop thinking about William and the other wolves's bodies.

So many bodies, and for what?

Matthew was dead, but this was still going on and Wyatt was gravely affected by it. The hunter still won. Even dead, he was still outsmarting her.

"On your left!" Zane's voice rang out, grabbing everyone's attention.

A hunter suddenly shot out of the woods, directly to the left of Wyatt. Waverly saw Wyatt flinch and immediately jumped in front of him.

She held out her hands and sucked in a slow breath as chills clawed down her arms, forcing energy into her palms.

The shapeshifter sucked in an uneven breath and acted as if she were shoving someone, preferably Addison, and allowed an invisible shockwave to explode from her fingers, tossing the human into a nearby tree.

He hit a tree, then the ground...and didn't get back up. The armor that had been strapped around his abdomen cracked off, uncovering his broad, muscle-encrusted chest. Why were all of the hunters men?

"Wow," Addison gasped, rushing forward. Her artificial blonde curls bounced up and down like springs. "You're like a human tornado!"

Waverly shifted her gaze over to her and frowned. "Not a human."

Winston cleared his throat, attempting to shatter the wall of tension between them. "Let's just keep going."

Willa put her hand up in the air, signaling for them to stay put. Her jacket was torn up and strands of leather hung from her wrist.

Wyatt stepped forward, curious to find out why his sister was telling them to stop. He slid past Waverly, but paused once his arm brushed against her own.

She turned to him, wondering why he had suddenly lost interest in his sisters order. For some reason, as soon as their limbs made contact, he seemed to veer off to the side.

Waverly's eyebrows knitted together. She watched his skin fade into an alarmingly pale shade of green. He looked sick.

"Wyatt?" Waverly said, moving closer to him. "Are you okay?"

She reached for him, but the werewolf scrambled backwards, shaking his head. Waverly could feel everyone's eyes on them. She didn't care. All she cared about was him in that moment.

"Yeah." He whispered, attempting to reassure her.

It did not work. Waverly was more concerned than ever. She thought his reaction to her touching him before when he had appeared in the forest was strange, but understood it because of the injuries that covered his body. But he wasn't hurt anymore. Not his arms at least...not that she could see.

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