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This was supposed to be the happiest day of my life. I looked at my reflection in the full length mirror at the salon where I had been prepped and primped within an inch of my soul. The lacy off the shoulder floating bohemian dress was everything I had ever dreamed for my wedding day. I had gotten it second hand by a rare stroke of good luck for me. Second hand was the only way I could have ever had such a beautiful gown for today.

I had a beautiful crown of flowers, each stem chosen for a reason, to represent just how much I loved and was devoted to my soon to be husband, pride in how far we had come and how far we were going to go. Feelings again reflected in my carefully written vows. I had ordered the flowers from the florist and braided and wove the crown together myself, only finishing it and deciding it was perfect last night.

Amaryllis, carnations, dahlias, roses in barely blushing pink and white. In a delicate circle with ivy, myrtle and babies breath. Variegated decorative grasses to fill it in and make sure the wires of the base were concealed. My plain brown hair fell in soft waves. The makeup was subtle, even though it seemed to take forever to finish. I looked like me, with much better lashes around my brown eyes. It was a dream come true. I wished my parents were still here. That the accident that killed them had never happened. Feelings rushing up to swallow me as I started to get emotional looking at my own reflection.

Shaking my head, I missed them so much. It was strange how six years always felt like the blink of eye ago and forever at the same time. I was running behind schedule, I couldn't cry and ruin all the hard work everyone did this morning. I counted out the money to everyone, double checking that I had tipped enough. Thanking them for everything before going out to get in the car. Careful to not crush the flowers on my head. Everything for weddings was so expensive. I had saved all my tips and worked overtime since David proposed to be able to invite all mom and dad's remaining family.

So many had R.S.V.P yes, I couldn't wait to see them all later tonight after the dinner. The happiest day of my life, and all the family I had left coming together to celebrate with me. It made me feel like my parents were helping make this day extra special for me. That they were part of this. They always lectured me on the importance of family. It was essentially rule number one for my entire life.

I shook my head, instead thinking of David. David was perfect, the sweetest gentleman, the entire time we had been dating he had never pressured me to have sex. Understanding that even though it was old fashioned and irrational, I had always wanted my first time to be on my wedding night. I just loved the romance of it, and after losing so much, because of one drunk driver the irrational part of my brain must have decided to double down on things we could control. My body was mine, and when I finally shared it, it was going to mean something. Tonight I would finally get to know the joys of sex, with a man I loved, who loved me. I couldn't wait.

I was so excited to finally start the next portion of my life. I hadn't had sex, yes that was true, I didn't like to be touched very much at all. I wasn't a prude;There were lots of other ways to be sexual. David had enjoyed lots of very loving blowjobs once our relationship was something serious.

Today was the next step in building something special, with David. It was like all my dreams were lining up. After tonight everything would be different, I could feel it. I would be Mrs. David Burns tomorrow. And in two weeks I started my first job as a nurse at the local hospital, I was feeling like the world wasn't spinning too fast under my feet. I had done everything I had set out to do.

Using my share of the inheritance from my parents estate to fund my education hadn't left me with much left over. Basically everything I had left was tied up in this wedding; until I started my nursing job at least. I was planning to still stay on at the dinner I had worked at all through school too, the tips were good and I didn't want to immediately get married and not have anything of my own anymore. I wanted to bring as much as I felt I was getting in return.

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