Loving Merritt After 8

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Asher threw Merritt onto her bed. A little too hard, too eager to feel her. To taste her and the fresh, spoke blood she had fed on this evening. Tearing her clothes from her body. Shredding his own. Fuck how he loved how rough he could be with Merritt now, without fear of hurting her. The price had been steep; Forever with Merritt was worth any price. Especially when he could live out any of even his most darkest fantasies now. 

Asher and his demon both hated that they were at the bottom of the power structure in the family. He had been an alpha wolf once upon a time. The absolute top of his kind. Now he was underneath Levi, and dedicated to Merritt in every way. She in turn, dedicated to Levi. It irked his new demon nature. Especially so, considering how weak their maker was as a vampire. Merritt was hardly demon at all in her undead life. It wasn't fair that she could already go out of the confines of this small apartment block. That she could walk the streets, could go to the blood bars and taste fresh blood direct from the source on her tongue.

They had turned only one day apart. Merritt's vampire rising forth too soon after Merritt had died. Asher and his demon knew they could over power Merritt in every way. Could break the sire bond and be free to do as they would without feeling Merritt's influence.

Asher wouldn't. Separate himself from Merritt? Not in any way. His demon was just going to need to get used to submitting to Merritt. Bringing his mind back to the present. Asher pounced on Merritt, flinging the leftover scraps of fabric away. "Fuck I can taste her on your skin." Asher had felt every emotion Merritt had felt has her and Levi enjoyed their night before returning to him. Asher was doing his best to focus on how they had come back to him. Long before sunrise.

Asher quickly prowled up Merritt's oh so desperately willing body. No sensation, living or undead, had felt so good as feeling Merritt wanting him felt right now. That feeling was worth any price. She had made him eternal, and he was eternally hers.

Asher forced his cock between Merritt's legs, making her take him, all of him, hard and fast. Merritt made appreciative sounds, enjoying the pain and pleasure of Asher's rough handling. She had been with a human tonight, she had already known plenty times of gentle loving. Asher was going to give her something that a human never could. Fuck her in a way that would destroy a weak human body. 

Asher gripped Merritt's hips hard and tight. Using his hands to pull Merritt's body against his with every thrust, making sure that be bottomed out in her channel every time. Rearranging her organs that no longer needed to maintain their vital to life functions. Asher fucked Merritt like he hated her. Like he wanted to leave a map of pain all over her body to ensure she continued to think of him and how he had owned her body long after he was done manipulating it for his pleasure.

He hated that she got to go out. Jealousy and wrath boiling up in his core. Smelling the starlight on her skin, living blood pumpers she had passed near. The woman she had fucked strong on her fingers. Hated that even though he was stronger than his maker, he still had to follow the hierarchy. Demons were supposed to always follow the rules of succession and control. It was part of their natures. Well those who wanted more than experiencing their self devolve into a true monster of darkness. Asher had been made by Merritt, and was bound to her will. As long as he followed the rules, he could enjoy feeling her sense of self in himself. Would be connected to her in a way that had been everything he and his wolf had wanted. Before his wolf left him. Before he had died.

Then, without warning, Levi was tight against Asher;s back, Levi's own cock pressing against Asher's body. Levi's hand gripped Asher's locks in one hand, wrenching his head in to submissive, neck barred position. "Be kind to your maker Asher." Levi growled. Slamming his entire length forcefully into Asher's ass. Reminding Asher to

Asher's public bone slammed against Merritt's as he tried to fuck her as deep as he could. Levi pushing him even father into Merritt, Her legs splayed wide, almost to the point where ligaments might fail. Merritt felt guilty that she had gone out and enjoyed herself. She was willing to let Asher have his full way with her.

Which sadly, only proved that he wasn't near ready to play with anything alive that he couldn't kill. A problem that Levi was hoping he and Merritt could speed along at an accelerated pace. If Merritt had still been human, Asher would have torn her apart with how rough he was. Thankfully Merritt was made to love forever now. Tied to a baby vampire that remembered and loved her when she had been human. Someone who really had loved all of Merritt. Levi loved how things were. Still hated the transition.

Asher's body was on autopilot. Fucking Merritt with reckless abandon. First catching up with all the pent up sexual energy he had needed to endure from his bound position. When he finally bit down on Merritt. Drawing on the fresh blood in her system from her evening out, he had nearly gone overboard. Only stopping because Levi had knocked him off Merritt.

Asher might need a fair bit more time before he was ready to go out. Was a sad thought Merritt had as she felt her demon force and speed heal the various injuries that had been inflicted on her by Asher. Knowing intimately, and forensically, how badly Asher would have hurt a human.

He wasn't ready to play nicely with his dinner. It was a shame. But at least they could use this reaction as bench mark, try and track when he was better able to control himself after Merritt had an evening out with Levi. Merritt could easily take the abuse now. Being the only reason Levi allowed Asher to continue existing for treating her with such brutality. No one would ever hurt Merritt again. Levi had vowed it, and he kept promises once made.

Levi threw Asher to the ground and pinned his head underneath his foot. Almost to the point of crushing Asher's skull, helping Merritt up, ensuring she was alright. Perhaps being a bit too hard on Asher as a bone cracked under his foot.

Merritt brushed Levi off, she was already fine. Nearly fully healed. Asher was feeling much better after feeding and fucking. Then repeating the process. Though this time, Asher was bound, and was only allowed to Fuck Merritt while Levi Fucked Asher, controlling every aspect of how Asher experienced the session. Letting Asher have a quick feed from Levi's own body as well to reinforce their lineage and hierarchy. 

It was normal for a new vampire to want to test the limits of their new life. For their demon to want to break free to follow their every dark thought. It was a sire's duty to train the next generations appropriately. Behaviour contrary to what was acceptable guided by council standards made a vampire little better than a mortal wild animal. Not worth keeping in existence.

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