Loving Merritt After 33

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Merritt was eventually let onto her own feet, heading to the kitchen for paper towel to roughly clean herself up. Asher and Levi went to grab tissue from the coffee table. The moment they had all separated, Marisol teleported in behind Merritt, hissing towards Asher and Levi, instantly teleporting Merritt away without a word.

Merritt's head was spinning, she felt sick as Marisol, stepped back from her. Merritt didn't care that she was naked as she looked around and had no idea where she was. Looking up into the sky and seeing three moons was a large enough surprise to stop her from yelling at Marisol. Merritt was in what seemed like an endless grass sea. As far as she could see in any direction was green grasses. A tall blue colored mountain far in the distance. The mountain top looked strange, it was flat instead of coming to a peak. One, small cabin hidden in a forest glen in her immediate area. aside from the one small settlement, there was nothing as far as she could see.

Everything felt different here. "Why?" Merritt asked. Unsure if she really wanted the answer.

Marisol pinched the bridge of her nose, with her index finger and thumb. Wrinkles appearing in her forehead like she was deeply troubled by something. "We are in Fae, breaking into the territory of the last unicorn because we have no idea who else might be able to protect you now." Shaking her head. Clearly, deeply stressed. Merritt needed more information.

Merritt felt her head clearing. The empty, missing feeling returning. "Asher and Levi, that wasn't really them was it?" Merritt asked. Already knowing the answer. She had known it to be a dream that couldn't be true the whole time. She just wanted it to be real for a little while.

Marisol visibly tried to pull herself together in front of Merritt. Looking scared, which did nothing to calm Merritt's own heart. "We did what we could with the cabin to make it safe for you. Its not large, but there is a sizable library with texts you can read." Ignoring Merritt's question. Guiding Merritt to the small home in front of her. It had the feel of a place that had not been used recently. 

Merritt opened the old fashioned draw string latch on the door. Entering a slightly dusty home. A few footprint paths had shuffled through the layer of dust. Blocking the windows with heavy sheets of a fabric. Stapled to the wooden frames of the windows. Modern, electrical camping lamps had been added, along with a solar powered energy bank set up and waiting for her. Marisol handed Merritt a key. "The library is upstairs, enjoy." Vanishing as Merritt yelled wait. Merritt was left feeling undone and unfinished. She had so many more questions. How could Levi and Asher felt so real if they weren't?

Merritt was in the process of heading to what looked like maybe a bedroom with clothes at the back of the home. When Marisol appeared in front of her, almost seeming frantic. "They were specters sent by the demon. They are only ever as real as you let them be. If you see the unicorn. Do not lie. Don't even try. Just be honest." Before disappearing again, leaving the whisper of something that sounded like a Spanish swear on the wind in her wake. Still not letting Merritt ask any questions or give any answers.

Merritt indeed found a room, there wasn't much in the way of clothing, and what there was had been made for someone far larger than Merritt was. Quickly dressing in a shirt that ended up as dress on her small frame, Merritt set about exploring the rest of the home.

Merritt was depressed, overwhelmed and scared. She was also very much alone and did not enjoy the feeling. Merritt headed to the bespoke library she now had a key for. Merritt went up to the well made solid steps of the cottage to the second floor; The main space protected behind a beautiful and intricately made folding gate. The iron wrought to look like very lifelike vines and flowers. A veritable library of books protected behind the expertly wrought metal.

The layer of dust was not so thick to imply a long period of disuse. The well oiled hinges of the gate protecting the books also proved that until sometime recently, this home had been occupied and cared for. The books were beautiful, there were even titles that Merritt was familiar with on the shelves. Far more classics from English classes than she expected to see in a place as magical as Fae. The literal home of unicorns, and Fae people. And dragons in the wild, and centaurs and so much more. At least that is what Levi told her, even though he admitted he himself had never been to the neighbor realm.

Looking around Merritt knew she wouldn't be able to rest until the space around her was clean. Desperate for something to occupy her mind, Merritt got to work. First finding a stale piece of cloth to make use of as a duster. Wiping down all the surfaces of the home, opening the windows to the night air while she worked. Hoping that any breeze that might blow through the open windows would take the dust with it.

Merritt focused only on her work. She knew how to clean. She had kept her own spaces meticulously clean. Had once enjoyed Sunday afternoons, in the bright sunshine of the windows dancing and singing along to the peak of eighties pop while she cleaned her apartment top to bottom. The satisfying feeling of flopping in clean sheets, in an apartment that was perfectly clean and ready to start a new week on the best foot possible.

Trying to fade from the present and into happier memories. Merritt cleaned the entire cottage top to bottom. Polishing the wood with a little oil and lemon water, the trees around the cabin a varied orchard.  Merritt had been thrilled to see the vibrant lemon tree near the cottage. She always liked the scent of lemons. Scrubbing the floors with the harsh lye soap dissolved into a bucket of water and her one now filthy rag scrubbed and used until it was full of holes and stained black from her efforts. She even washed the available clothing, delighted that she had found a sewing kit as she cleaned. She might be able to try and make something from the scant clothing she had.

Merritt felt a sting on her skin. The first light of the sun as it rose. Merritt rushed around the apartment with super human speed to replace all tthe heavy, solid wood and fabric shutters and protect herself from the sun. Alone, in the dark. Not a sound from another living thing larger than an insect or small song bird to be heard. Regardless of her strong sense of hearing or not. Merritt was utterly alone.

Bereft of anything else she could clean. No need to cook or bake for her body that no longer needed food. No access to electricity or any of the trappings of modern life. Merritt was left with absolutely no distractions. Nothing to shield her from what she had been running away from. Levi, and Asher were dead, gone, and there was no chance that they would return. Merritt was completely alone, and being hunted by something even more sinister and evil than Shattered. A monster that could look like the answers to her broken heart.

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